🧡History Holds Secrets (1/3)

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Song: Desperado - Rihanna

TW: Swearing


(Italics in the chapter is Katsuki's dream)

History Holds Secrets (1/3)

Aizawa sighed as he gathered his class's attention. He was dreading telling them that they would be taking a field trip today. They would yell and shout, giving Aizawa more of a headache than he already has.

"Alright, class today we will be having a field trip." Aizawa groaned, Mina was the first to shriek and jump up. Aizawa immediately activated his quirk, Mina fearfully sat down and the rest of the class silenced themselves.

"Now, our field trip will be to a museum up north. We will also be having a guide take us through, he will also give us insight and clues to the heroes in the past. We might even go further back into the past than quirks. There are a few rules such as raise your hand, don't travel off by yourself, etcetera, etcetera." Aizawa spoke tiredly, "Am I clear?" he asked threateningly. The class nodded and Aizawa gestured to the door.

"The bus is out front, please grab anything you would like to take with you and get to the bus. We will be back here before the school day ends." Aizawa spoke and the students grabbed their phones and any other necessities. They rushed out to the bus excitedly, Aizawa rolled his eyes and walked out beyond them, locking the classroom door behind him.

The Bus was filled with chatter on the way. A certain ash-blonde sat quietly in the back. The rest of his squad was towards the front talking with the rest of the class.

He had his earbuds in listening to some random song that he most likely didn't know the name of. He had a weird gut feeling about this field trip. He couldn't explain why, just that the idea of this trip didn't sit right with him.

He looked out the window at the trees passing and sighed. He couldn't place his finger on what he felt wrong about. Maybe it was the field trip itself, maybe it was the fact that he had the lingering idea in the back of his mind that he'd discover something not meant to be found.

He shoved the gut feeling down and ignored the warning signals in his brain. He listened to his music and closed his eyes. He'd take a nap to try and distract himself from the feeling.

The wind rippled through Katsuki's hair as he ran through the forest. His breath was labored as he dashed between trees, the snow crunching below his feet.

He shivered as he stopped behind a tree. He could hear a loud deep voice far off as he tried to collect himself.

"This way my lady!" It shouted as the group of men and one woman on horses ran in the opposite direction Katsuki ran in.

"Idiots," Katsuki whispered to himself and laughed.

He took deep breaths and walked forward. He had run too much and his feet were sore. So he walked slowly, the barren trees creating somewhat of a canopy above his head.

He wrapped his cape around himself to conceive warmth. It was dead winter and Katsuki hated it. Winter was never a good time for him and his kingdom.

"Fuckin hell," Katsuki growled to himself as he trekked on.

Soon enough Katsuki found what he was looking for. It was a small house on the edge of the forest. He saw smoke float front the chimney so he knew Shoto was home.

Katsuki shivered again and knocked roughly on the wooden door to the small hut. It creaked open and a smaller two-toned male stood there.

"Katsuki? OH MY GOD KATSUKI!" Shoto screeched and pulled the freezing ash-blonde inside.

"Well hello to you too Shoto." Katsuki chuckled and let himself be dragged into the warm house.

Shoto sat Katsuki down on one of the wooden chairs in the kitchen and quickly poured him a bowl of the hot soup he had finished minutes before Katsuki had shown up. Shoto set the soup in front of Katsuki, the ash-blonde smiled and ate the soup.

"So what happened? Why are you here? Not that I mind, I mean I love when you visit. But this unannounced, again not that I mind." Shoto rambled as he sat across from Katsuki.

Katsuki reached across the table and held Shoto's hand, "Shoto, I love you too. But I am here for a different reason." Katsuki said darkly.

Shoto raised his eyebrows worriedly and squeezed Katsuki's hand.

"I'm being hunted. I cannot confirm if they will find me or not. I am here to tell you that I love you before I leave this world permanently." Katsuki said sadly.

"No! This can't be!" Shoto exclaimed and stood up. He walked quickly to the ash blonde and held Katsuki's face in his hands, "No.." Shoto said quietly.

Katsuki closed his eyes and leaned into Shoto's hands. He lightly kissed Shoto's palm, "I know, this is not fair..." Katsuki uttered.

"There must be some other way," Shoto spoke desperately.

"I'm sorry my love," Katsuki spoke.

Katsuki stood up and moved in front of Shoto. He knew they were close to the small hut. So he did the one thing he wanted to die doing.

He slammed his lips onto Shoto's, the two-toned male wrapped his arms around his lover's neck. Katsuki slipped his arms around Shoto's small waist.

The door slammed open and all went black in an instant.

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