🧡Expelled (2/2)

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Song: Cool Kids - Echosmith

TW: Swearing


Expelled (2/2)

22-year-old Bakugou Katsuki flipped the closed sign to open on the front door to his cafe. He sighed as he stood behind the counter waiting for his first customer.

He fiddled with his apron as he waited. The door dinged signaling his first person of the day came in. Katsuki's head shot up and a warm smile covered his face.

"Hi welcome, how can I help you?" Katsuki asked.

"You can help me by giving me a kiss~" Mineta teased as he leaned onto the counter.

Katsuki giggled but placed his lips on Minoru's regardless.

"I thought you had work today?" Katsuki inquired.

"I took the day off. I thought I would help you today. If that's ok?" Mineta asked hesitantly.

"Of course! I would love the help! Grab an apron off the hooks in the backroom and let's get started!" Katsuki exclaimed and Mineta smiled at how adorable Katsuki was.

"Will do!" Mineta kissed Katsuki's forehead and went to get an apron.

The morning was relatively busy, businessmen getting their morning coffee, and the occasional student coming in to get a quick breakfast. Mineta was a huge help to Katsuki, but the very slow lunch hours ticked by all the same.

It was finally evening which was Katsuki's busiest hours. Students getting snacks and hanging out, tired workers getting more coffee to refuel, and all the seniors out and about that use the cooler evening air to take walks stop along the way to get the little biscuits Katsuki makes and maybe a cup of tea or two.

The door dinged and Mineta was the one to greet them. Katsuki called someone's name for their coffee and went to grab a rag to wipe the tables off.

"Mineta?" The group asked the purple-haired boy working behind the counter.

"Oh wassup, dudes!" Mineta exclaimed.

"Minoru I need you to take orders not socialize you, dummy!" Katsuki yelled as he towel whipped Mineta a bit while walking behind him.

"YES!" Mineta exclaimed and turned back to the group.

Mineta took the group orders and the group went to go sit down. As the group had ordered pastries along with coffee.

Soon Katsuki brought out a big round tray with coffees and little plates out. He walked to the table and completely ignored who sat at it

"Oh my god, Kacchan!?!?!" A high pitched voice screeched making Katsuki jump and spill his tray all over.

"Katsuki!" Mineta dashed over, "What's wrong? I heard a crash!" The taller male exclaimed worriedly.

"It's fine, the customer yelled and it scared me, causing me to drop my tray. I just need to clean it up. Will you do me a favor and make new of everything they ordered?" Katsuki asked desperately.

"Of course, that's why I am here." Mineta smiled.

"Thank you." Katsuki quickly pecked Mineta's lips and rushed into the back room to get cleaning supplies.

"Since when were you dating the explosive bitch?" Mina asked.

"Since third-year high school and don't call my boyfriend a bitch, bitch." Mineta growled.

"Hey hey, it was a joke dude!" Mina said awkwardly.

"Quite frankly I don't give a fuck, don't call him a bitch at all!" Mineta spoke harshly and walked off to make the group's order again.

"Well, that was..." Todoroki spoke with no real emotion in his voice.

Katsuki came rushing out with his bucket of cleaning supplies and quickly cleaned up the mess of coffee and pastries on the ground.

"I'm so sorry about that. You will have to wait a bit longer due to Minoru having to make the coffee again." Katsuki spoke guiltily.

"It's ok bakugou, no worries," Kirishima spoke up.

"Ok good, I am sorry." Katsuki chuckled to hide his awkwardness.

"How have you been Bakugou?" Kirishima asked suddenly.

"Well, I got expelled from the top hero school in Japan which was my only dream. Lucky for me I had a backup plan. It's not my ideal situation, but I get by." Katsuki said and rubbed the back of his neck.

Soon enough Mineta came through with a huge tray with the group's new orders.

"Hope you enjoy," Mineta said and walked off to take another customer's order.

"Well I should get back to work," Katsuki said and pointed back to the front counter where Mineta now was.

"We should hang out sometime!" Kiri exclaimed.

"No, I cut off all ties with that part of my life except Minoru," Katsuki spoke bluntly and walked away.

The day ended and Katsuki smiled softly as he locked up the cafe. Mineta and Katsuki walked down the sidewalk, Mineta had his arm around Katsuki's waist.

"Today was ok I thought." Mineta smiled a bit at Katsuki.

"I've had better but yeah it was ok. You being there made it a whole hell of a lot better that's for sure." Katsuki chuckled and leaned into Mineta's side a bit as they walked.

"Well, I'm glad then.: Mineta kissed Katsuki's forehead lightly ad they continued their journey home.

Sure Katsuki didn't have much after he was expelled but it all worked out in the end. He had enough to support himself and Mineta being in the top 10 rankings of pro heroes paid well too.

They didn't need much though. All they needed was each other and they would be set for life. Minoru loved Katsuki, and Katsuki loved Minoru.

Expelled (2/2)

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