🧡 The Bakugou's

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Song: Owl City - Unbelievable ft. Hanson

TW: Abuse, swearing

No ship

The Bakugou's 1/1

 "Oh my god Katsuki, why can't you be more like Izuku?" Mitsuki growled at her 14-year-old son who accidentally dropped a plate.

"I can try mother," Katsuki said as he finished picking up the pieces.

"Whatever, just finish and go back to your room. I don't want to see you for the rest of the night." Mitsuki said bluntly and walked away her heels clicking on the hardwood floor.

Masaru came into the kitchen and saw his son picking up broken plate pieces, "Oh Katsuki you'll cut yourself."

Masaru worriedly stopped Katsuki from picking up the rest. He grabbed the broom and dustpan. He swept the ceramic shards and threw them away.

"I'm sorry," Katsuki spoke softly.

"It's ok Katsuki, I know it was an accident." Masaru smiled, "Now let's get you some first aid for your hands." Masaru said and guided Katsuki to the bathroom.

Masaru told Katsuki to sit down on the closed toilet lid. The older male pulled out a professional first aid kit, he always kept one in every bathroom.

"Now this will sting, if you need to you can squeeze my arm," Masaru said kindly as he grabbed the tweezers to pull out any loose plate shards.

Katuki nodded and held up his palms for his dad. Masaru gently held Katsuki's right hand and started to remove any glass pieces. Katsuki winced and whimpered.

"It's ok Katsuki, only one more hand to go," Masaru said softly.

Masaru held Katsuki's left hand and removed those shards too. Katsuki whimpered and winced again.

"We're done, you can rest a bit." Masaru lightly pecked Katsuki's forehead.

Katsuki sighed and Masaru began to get the hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball to clean the cuts on his son's hands. Masaru sighed, he honestly hated being married to Mitsuki.

The two were high school sweethearts and got married right out of high school. The two were an amazing couple until Mitsuki said she wanted a child. Masaru was hesitant to have a child, he kept saying they weren't ready yet. But Masaru having a submissive nature went along with Mitsuki anyway and conceived a child together.

When Mitsuki told Masaru she was pregnant Masaru was happy. He thought he wasn't ready turns out he was more than ready.

On April 20th little Katsuki Bakugou was born. Masaru looked down at the tiny baby in his arms and vowed always to protect his child.

When the two got home with Katsuki, the child began to cry and wail in his mother's arms.

"Shut up brat!" Mitsuki yelled, Masaru was shocked. He had always known Mitsuki was harsh and brash but never once did he think she would use it on her child.

Eventually, Mitsuki shoved Katsuki in the brunette's arms and mumbled something about making it shut up.

From that day on Masaru did everything, feed him, clothed him, changed him, and everything else. Mitsuki did absolutely nothing. When the ash-blonde woman went back to work that's all she did. She never made time for Katsuki nor Masaru.

This ended with Katsuki and Masaru having a really strong bond and Mitsuki only being a side character. Masaru loves Katsuki he really does.

Masaru finished the cotton ball with disinfectant and turned to Katsuki, "Alright now we have to disinfect them, it will hurt but not as much as the tweezers." Masaru said softly.

Katsuki mumbled something and nodded, the younger male held up his palms again.

Masaru placed the cotton ball against the cuts and lightly dabbed at them. Katsuki whimper and Masaru shushed him and told him it was ok.

Masaru spoke to Katsuki as he bandaged the cuts, "Hey Katsuki I've been thinking..."

"About?" Katsuki asked softly.

"What if I...divorced your mother?" Masaru said slowly.

"If you really want to then I say go for it," Katsuki spoke his voice a bit wavy.

"Ok, if we divorced I would fight long and hard to get full custody of you Katsuki," Masaru spoke and finished the bandages.

"Really?" Katsuki looked at Masaru with hopeful eyes.

"Yes, I do not want you living with your mother." Masaru smiled softly and Katsuki nodded enveloping his father in a hug.

"Thank you, dad," Katsuki mumbled, and his father smiled and hugged his son back.

So Masaru filed for a divorce, he got a copy of the documents and now all he had to do was talk to Mitsuki.

"Mitsuki honey, can I talk to you?" Masaru spoke to his soon to be ex-wife who was sitting in the living room. Masaru sent Katsuki to his grandma's for the weekend in case things between Masaru and Mitsuki got messy when Masaru asked for the divorce.

"Mhm?" Mitsuki grunted and she looked at her husband who had a paper packet in his hands. The ash-blonde woman raised an eyebrow at the male who sat across from her.

"I want a divorce," Masaru said bluntly and set the papers in front of her.

"Don't be ridiculous." Mitsuki laughed.

"I'm being serious," Masaru spoke sternly which was a surprise for him.

"W-Why?" Mitsuki spoke, great she was going to play the victim now.

"I do not love you anymore and this is not a safe environment for Katsuki anymore, not that it was, to begin with," Masaru said bluntly.

"Oh," Mitsuki said quietly.

"Now I would hope you cooperate and sign. I will be getting full custody of Katsuki and you will get no visitation rights." Masaru said.

Mitsuki swallowed thickly and pulled a pen from her pantsuit she was wearing. She clicked it and shakily signed the papers.

"Thank you, I do hope you know how you treat Katsuki is considered abuse." Masaru snatched the papers back and stuck them in a safe folder to take to court.

"I-," Mitsuki was speechless.

There were several court dates and finally, Masaru Bakguou had successfully divorced his wife and had full custody of his son.

They lived with Masaru's parents before Masaru bought a quaint house just outside Mutsufasa.

The two lived happily, Katsuki went to a small high school that had a good education system and Masaru worked a good-paying job just within the city so it wasn't too far away. Katsuki was happy, Masaru was happy, and all was well.

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