11 - Bullies - 11

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CORDELIA WAS kind enough to let Marie have a full night of sleep before she had to go to class.

She had a nightmare about her mother's death that made her wake up in a cold sweat. She relieved the moments when she was stuck in the dark closet, shaking in fear while gunshots and screams shook her to the core.

Her phone indicated four A.M. when Marie decided to cool off by getting some fresh air. She got on her feet as quietly as she could as to not wake up Madison and she left the room.

The first day of class Marie threw herself into work to quiet her reeling mind. She was in a group with Coco Vanderbilt, whom was a hilarious mix of snobby and self deprecating. Zoe was teaching them how to light up a candle, and Marie was happy to not be the only one struggling.

"This is bullshit." Coco grumbled when every single student but Marie and she had succeeded.

"You know what would be quicker?" Marie asked with a disgruntled look. "Using a match."

Zoe chuckled as she shook her head, her long straight brown hair following the movement. "Lighting up a candle isn't the final goal here. Controlling fire is."

"Hm." Marie nodded. "If we could do that, now that would be fire. "

"Get out." Coco said flatly, and Marie's lips curled up in a smirk.

Zoe rested her hands on the table as she leaned towards Coco and Marie.

"I know it can be frustrating, some witches have some talents and others don't, it's normal. Work hard and you'll find what you're naturally skilled in."

"Yeah, well." Coco scoffed. "I'm getting a bit frustrated here."

"Bitch, you got here a week ago." A girl scoffed.

Coco huffed in frustration."And I'm still not the supreme, I find this offensive."

During the afternoon they were taught telekinesis by Queenie. Queenie wasn't as patient as Zoe, and she often silenced Coco's complaints with a withering glare.

Marie actually managed to make her feather float easily thanks to Queenie's instructions. The woman looked impressed as she whistled.

"Damn, you do that on your first day?" Said Queenie.

"She did shit this morning thought." Coco protested with her nose raised haughtily.

Queenie rolled her eyes.

"My mom is very good at Telekinesis." Marie stated with a small shrug. "She's been teaching me for a few weeks now."

Was. Her mother was very good at telekinesis.

She fell silent, her eyes downcast and her lips stuck in a sullen frown.

The class lost its importance to Marie, and she was considering just walking out to lay in her bed and sleep.

Suddenly she felt something tickling her face, and she let out a yelp as she jumped. She threw a glare at Coco, who was smirking while holding her feather.

"Stop frowning, you'll get premature wrinkles." The blonde said as she set her feather back on the table to practice again.

Marie smiled to herself.

Cordelia waited for night to fall and the students to go to bed to call a meeting with the most trusted members of the coven.

Madison strolled in the bathroom while Marie was showering, the latter shrieked as she wrapped the curtain around her.

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