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Not me getting attached to Marie and feeling sad when I make her go through some shit. Gorl I'm sorry.


When Michael opened his eyes he was back in purgatory with Raphael sitting in front of him. A sad glint was found in the angel's light brown eyes, and Michael realised the reason when he felt how wet his own cheeks were.

"Are you familiar with the concept of entropy?" Raphael asked softly.

Michael nodded in answer. "The universe is naturally enclined to chaos."

"And life is created by maintaining a healthy balance between chaos and order."

Raphael placed a hand on Michael's shoulder as he squeezed to comfort him.

"All living beings fight chaos to survive. Your father might push you to embrace it, but in the end it's going to destroy you with the rest of the world."

A deep sigh escaped Michael as he tiredly rubbed his face, and he got up and started walking towards the door.

Raphael's lips curled up in amusement."Where are you going, Mikey?"

"To get Marie out." He simply answered as he curled his hand around the handle. "She can't get out of here by herself."

A darker coloured hand latched onto his own to stop him.

"Before you go play the knight in shining armour. I need to warn you." Raphael said just after appearing besides him. "When you crossed the border between your world and this one, I've got you before Lucifer. He can't reach you here, but he is going to try to get to you once you leave my realm. Fight his influence on you if you don't want the future I just showed you to happen."

"And don't forget that he is going to be pissed that you stopped obeying him. He won't let that slide."

Michael nodded as he tightened his hold on the handle.

"That asshole can go fuck himself." Michael hissed.

Raphael suddenly grinned widely.

"Good, now go to her."


"Focus your magic on the liquid, and this time please don't forget to clear your mind." Madison's voice entered her ears as Marie finally regained consciousness.

She was sitting at the dining room table with a cup of tea before her, and Madison was instructing her on how to make the tea levitate.

Zoe was patiently waiting for the lesson to be over so she could take her turn instructing Marie, and Kyle was at her side as they chatted quietly, a big boyish smile on his face as he spoke to her.

Queenie was sitting next to Marie with a book in hand, she pretended to be there because someone needed to watch Madison, but Marie knew she would rather die than tell she was actually enjoying hanging out with them.

Marie blinked in confusion. Wasn't she supposed to be doing something?

"Come on, Cinderella. Focus." Madison ordered as she snapped her fingers in front of Marie's face.

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