45 - Justice - 45

937 35 18

I started a joke
Which started the whole world crying

Michael watched Satan's smile fell while he clutched his injured shoulder, shock washing over him. He turned away to look where Liz once stood, and he failed to notice James running towards him, a fury burning in his blue eyes, lips curled in a snarl. He stabbed a knife in Satan's chest with so much strength that it sent them both flying inside the broken hotel.

Michael quickly turned to Madison. "Where is Marie?" He yelled over the sounds of explosions, screams and growls of demons.

Madison raised a blonde brow as she wiped some blood from her cheek. "She isn't with you?"

"What the fuck do you mean she's not with me?"

"I haven't seen her."

Worry washed over Michael, especially when he felt around for their bond and felt the familiar tug when she was far away from him.

Madison opened her mouth to speak, but she was silenced by the sudden sound of cars braking, the wheels rubbing against the asphalt in a loud screech as a siren rang. Their heads snapped towards the sound, and both scowled when they saw police cars, their red and blue lights shining and catching the attention of the demons.

"Of course the police is getting fucking involved." Madison rolled her eyes.

Michael watched in silence the policemen leave their cars to point guns at both witches and demons. "Step away and hands where I can see them!" One of them barked, and of course nobody listened as the demons kept attacking and the witches fought to protect themselves.

He smirked when he noticed a demon staring at the policeman, and suddenly he started moving towards them. "Why are you complaining? The government just offered us free bait."

"They're going to shoot at us too." Madison stated.

"We've got an injured warlock!" Zoe jogged towards them, worry tainted her features as her eyes searched around them. "Where's Marie?"

Madison frowned. "We don't know."


Meanwhile, Marie was staring wide eyed at Miriam Mead. Her hands trembled as fury rumbled deep into her chest, as if something inside of her was stirring, thirsty for blood.

She slowly stood up, her gaze trained on the smaller woman like a hawk. Yet Miriam remained unfazed, still grinning smugly.

"You're not going to ask why I'm here?" Miriam asked in a bored tone as she spread her arms, the severed head dangling grotesquely.

"I don't give a shit." Marie snapped, and with a whoosh she disappeared.

Miriam's eyes widened, and she whirled around to find her behind her back, fist curled and ready to strike. She quickly blocked the hit, her muscles straining against the effort and her feet sliding a bit. Marie furrowed her brows, furious at the fact that Miriam managed to stop her, and she quickly retaliated by curling her hand around the arm stopping her fist, and she manifested electricity to shock her.

Yet Miriam barely reacted as current coursed through her. She raised her gun and shot, and Marie jumped back as the bullet bounced against her shield.

"Pact with Satan." It was a statement more than a question, yet Miriam still nodded with a proud smile.

"My lord is a generous man."

Fuck, this was going to be a problem. Marie gritted her teeth in frustration as she narrowed her eyes in a glare. The air around them cracked with electricity as they stood tense, waiting for the other to make a move.

Crybaby | Michael LangdonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora