26 - Possession - 26

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Marie ran back inside the house, eyes flying around searching for Michael and Madison in worry. She ran upstairs as her heart hammered against her chest.

An aggressive male voice rang as it yelled curses after curses, and more voices followed as they tried to calm the situation. Marie pushed open the door of a bedroom, and her eyes widened.

Michael was standing in the middle of the room facing a boy with shaggy blonde hair, brown eyes and wearing a large jumper with holes. His eyes were narrowed in a threatening glare as he was restrained by two ghosts. Madison had a hand on Michael's shoulder as she stared down at the boy.

The boy jumped forward again to attack Michael, making a woman with light hair scream for him to stop, and Marie recognized instantly the voice that alerted her earlier.The two ghosts tightened their hold on him as they struggled to refrain his movements.

The teen was probably Tate Langdon, Michael's biological father. And considering how the ghosts were struggling to restrain him, he had probably tried to attack Michael already.

They were surrounded by ghosts that looked at them as if they expected Michael and Tate to start a fight, tense and ready to jump in to stop them.

"Get out!" Tate barked, muscles clenched, almot feral. Eyes burning with hatred and rejection.

Michael clicked his tongue, more annoyed than anything. "Trust me, there's nothing I wanna do more than get the hell out of this shithole. Yet you need our help, don't you?"

Tate scoffed, looking enraged by his son's statement. "You? Help us? Let me laugh."

"That's enough, Tate." A middle aged man with dark hair and blue eyes snapped, his hand still wrapped around the teen's bicep to retain him.

He then looked at Michael, guarded. "Why are you really here?"

"Billie Dean called us." Madison spoke up.

The man narrowed his eyes at Madison as if he sensed something was unusual with her. "Really? And why would she contact you?"

"We're witches." Marie's voice made everyone turn their heads to look at her. "From a coven in New Orleans. We have questions about the corpse that came back to life in this house."

"Why would we tell you anything?" The woman with light hair asked, eyes narrowed in suspicion. "We don't know you, and you suddenly broke into our home and forced us to appear."

Madison's lips curled in a sneer, ready to spit her venomous threat at them when she was cut off by a light voice.

"It's alright, we can trust them."

All eyes fell on Violet who had just stepped in the room, gazing straight towards Tate and her father.

Immediately Tate's stance relaxed as his face softened, his shoulder sagging as if crumbling under all the guilt he was bearing. Ben released his hold on him and crossed his arms, eyes studying the intruders.

"What do you want to know?" He asked.

Marie walked over to stand beside Michael as her eyes bore into Ben's. "Violet told me about the man that was dead and came back from the dead without his soul. Do you have an idea of who...or what possessed that man?"

The ghosts exchanged worried but clueless looks."We had no idea what that was or where it came from. One moment that man was dead on the floor, and the next his eyes were open and he was moving in a strange manner, like his body was dismantled." Ben said.

"It's evil." Tate clenched his fists. "I could feel it. That thing radiates darkness and sadism."

Madison scoffed. "Clearly you haven't met Ariel Augustus, that little prick."

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