8 - Hail Satan - 8

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CONSTANCE HAD completely lost control over Michael. She had not realised her grandson was sneaking out under her nose, and god knew what he was doing outside alone.

She had enough, and she decided to finally contact a priest for an exorcism. That boy had evil inside of him, and if she couldn't control it she was going to cleanse it.

However it backfired, as the priest performed the exorcism Michael had panicked and used his powers to kill him.

And now, terror and shock swam in Constance's eyes as she just stood in her living room with the corpse of the priest lying at her feet.

"Grandma." Michael began to speak, but he was cut off by Constance.

"Get out." She said with a quivering voice.


"Get out!" She barked, and she walked over the corpse to push her grandson towards the corridor. "Leave!"

Michael's eyes filled with tears as he left the house in a hurry, Constance hot on his heels screaming at him to get out of her house.

He has fucked up badly. He knew that, but he panicked and the priest was hurting him so he acted on an impulse.

He ran out of the house and ended up in the middle of the road, and he turned around to send a pleading look to his grandmother.

"Please..." He said, but her eyes remained cold as she planted her feet into the ground and crossed her arms.

"Leave, Michael. I've had enough." She hissed.

He opened his mouth to protest, and that's when he heard an engine revving. His head snapped to the side and his eyes widened when they fell on a car speeding straight towards him.

He barely had enough time to gasp before the huge car barreled into him. His body was thrown against the concrete and he did not even register his bones shattering or felt any pain. He heard his grandmother's scream, and he remained on the ground, unable to move a single finger.

The car had stopped, and he heard the driver change the gears, and the engine revved again as the car backed up on him. He started to feel the agony as the large wheels crushed his muscles and bones, and he only was able to let out a small groan of pain when a rib broke and pierced his lung.

Tears rolled down his cheeks as he struggled to breathe, and the car rolled over him for the last time, crushing what remained of his bones before speeding away.

Everything hurt, and Michael was praying for a quick death so he wouldn't have to feel the pain anymore. He groaned in pain as he used what little energy remained in him to turn his head to look at Constance.

"I'm... Sc-scared." He struggled to say, and Constance held a wrinkled hand over her mouth in shock, her eyes wide and filled with tears as she let her body collapse.

He pleaded her with his eyes to do something to help him, anything.

What was left of his heart shattered when Constance crawled backwards and away from him, her eyes turning cold.

Hot tears rolled down his face as he gave up and waited for death to take him away, and as he closed his eyes he pictured his last moments with Marie.

Her warm, giddy smile as she laid in bed naked with him, their legs entwined. The softness of her hair as he ran his fingers through it. Her warm amber eyes looking at him like he was her most precious possession.

Albeit his half dead daze, he still managed to hear a familiar voice scream his name as the sound of running broke the heavy silence. He painfully opened his eyes, and his eyes met his favorite shade of brown.

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