25 - Origins - 25

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Michael had been staring at his laptop screen for so long his eyes were starting to hurt, and he sighed loudly as he rubbed them.

"This is taking forever." He grumbled under his breath as he glared daggers at the coded messages.

Every single message had been crypted, and it took hours for Myrtle, Cordelia, Marie and Michael to crack each code and finally translate it in English.

"We're almost halfway done." Myrtle said as she took a sip from her intricate looking tea cup, then her hands returned to the keyboard they'd been typing on for hours. "They're reusing the codes, they probably think no one can get their hands on the communications anymore."

"Mh." Michael watched her type on the keyboard with only her index fingers, a look of deep concentration on her face.

Bored, he looked outside to find Marie sitting in the grass of the backyard, her hair spilling down her back like a waterfall of ink. She had left just a few minutes ago to take a small break, a coffee mug in hand and her earphones in her ears.

His eyes softened when he noticed the way her fingers tapped against the mug, betraying the constant stress she was under.

Marie was unable to relax, her nights were plagued with nightmares reminding her of her mother's death and her time spent in hell. He could hear her every night wake up with a start at around three in the morning, and then leave as quietly as she could to take a walk outside.

Then there was the upcoming apocalypse, and the witches felt like the whole world was resting on their shoulders.

Marie needed a distraction to get her mind off what was going on.

He closed his fist under the dinner table as he focused his magic on the air surrounding Marie, and he opened his hand and released the spell.

He watched Marie stir her coffee, her eyes shut as she listened to her music.

A snowflake suddenly landed on the tip of her nose, and he couldn't help the endeared smile that played at his lips when she scrunched it. She looked up at the sky, and her eyes widened in awe when she took in the little snowflakes floating around her.

Her face turned radiant as she realised that it was snowing all around her, and soon a thin layer of white was covering the grass and reflecting the sunlight.

She grinned widely as she stuck her tongue out to taste the snowflakes, making Michael's heart swell as he laughed quietly.

Marie suddenly faced the window as she looked at him, knowing he was the one behind the sudden snowfall. She smiled warmly at him while sitting with her knees to the side, her long white skirt blending in with the snow.

She looked breathtaking.


The mocking tone broke him out of his daze, head turning to the side to find Madison looking down at him with a disgusted scowl as she loudly chewed on a piece of gum.

Eyes narrowed in annoyance, he pondered on making her head explode for ruining the moment with Marie.

"I hope you do know the only reason you're still alive despite being a rude fucking bitch is because Marie likes you." He stated with a cold look.

"My plants!" They heard a yell, and Misty Day suddenly appeared in the backyard as she scrambled to get the snow off her garden, eyes wide in panic.

"How merciful." Madison deadpanned, and she turned around to watch Marie, crouched in front of the garden as she helped Misty in bringing the frozen plants back to life.

Crybaby | Michael LangdonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora