34 - Stigma - 34

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Michael awoke with a splitting headache and a groggy feeling in his entire body. A weak groan escaped his pale lips as his eyelids struggled to open, and he winced when the light hit his eyes.

"Keep him sedated, inject him again in an hour."

He heard the voice from behind him, laced with a heavy New York accent.

He jumped when a hand gave his shoulder a friendly pat, and his eyes narrowed as he clenched his jaw.

"There you are, Michael!" Fernando's smiling face came into view. "Took you long enough to wake up."

Michael looked around to room, he seemed to be in an old warehouse. A metal table was besides him with strange tools and weapons spread over it. A plastic sheet was covering the ground around him and he was tied to a chair.

He could easily guess what was going to happen next.

His eyes locked with Fernando's, and he focused his energy on a concilium spell. Yet he found himself unable to use his powers because of the drug injected in his body.

Michael's tongue wetted his lips as his mind raced to find a way out.

Fernando dragged a chair to face him, and he sit down with a tired huff. "I'm going to start with very easy questions, alright boy?" He said as he fished a cigarette from his back pocket and stuck it between his lips. "Answer them and nothing bad will happen to you."

Michael narrowed his eyes menacingly at the man. "Abducting me was a big mistake on your part. You should let me go before someone notices I'm missing."

Instead of feeling threatened, the mob boss only raised his brows in amusement. "Well, then better get this over with quickly."

He leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees. "What's your name?"

Michael pursed his lips as he stared at the man in silence. He couldn't tell him, he would probably find out he was hiding something big.

There was a very high probability that Fernando had met his father, so if he learned that Michael was the Antichrist it would be game over.

Fernando smiled at his lack of answer as if he was hoping for him to resist.

"Okay, you don't wanna tell me your name...." He reached to grab Michael's smartphone that had been left on the table. "You could be a good boy and at least tell me the password."

Michael almost scoffed. His phone was filled with pictures of Marie and her phone number was in there, no way in hell was he going to tell this sick bastard.

"I told you who I was and what I wanted. You don't need to search into my phone or do a background check on me. This is a waste of our time." He spoke with assertiveness, but he had a hard time standing straight or enunciating properly.

Fernando didn't seem fazed at all, he lit up his cigarette and inhaled the smoke with a thoughtful look.

"Something's not right with you. I can just feel it."

Michael rolled his eyes. "So I'm here based on your... Intuition?"

"Trusting my gut got me where I am today." Fernando smirked. "And you know what my gut is telling me? That you're full of shit, Michael."

Suddenly his eyes darkened as his smiled widened. "Name, please."

Michael averted his eyes as he leaned back in his chair, looking utterly bored.

Fernando shook his head like a disappointed father, and he nodded at a man.

A tall, muscular man stepped in his view.  His hard eyes glared down at Michael, and he raised his fist to throw it into his face.

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