Twenty five

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Time skip 4 months

I cant believe it im graduating today. Im finally done with this this bs... As I finished getting ready I get a text from Sumi saying theres a graduation party tonight at this one guys house. Who? Well I don't know yet but im sure it will be fun! Its been a while since ive had fun at a party.

I finished getting ready and go down stairs to meet my parents.

"Oh honey! You look so beautiful" my mother says trying to hold back her tears

"Look at my little girl shes all grown up now" father says trying not to cry

"Aww mom dad don't cry!" I say going to hug them

"I'll try but lets get going we don't wanna be late now" dad says

A few minutes later we arrive at the ceremony my parents make their way to find seats and I go find Tobio and Sumi.

"Ahhhh!! Y/n!!!!" Sumi screams as she runs towards me

"Sumi!!! You look hot!"

"Well of course I do when don't I look hot?!" She says

"Okay miss girl" I say laughing a bit

"But you are looking quiet hot yourself y/n"

"As I should"

"Wheres your hubby?" Sumi says

"Actually im wondering the same thing lemma go ahead and call this man"

I pull out my phone and as im starting to call for him all of a sudden darkness is all I see. I feel a body bigger then mine pushed against my back.

"Guess who?" he says laughing

"Hmmm im not sure... Bokuto? Kuroo?"

"Oh so I guess you would prefer them instead of your own fiancé alright I see how it is" Tobio says removing his hands from my eyes pouting

"Omg im just kidding Tobio calm down of course I know its my beloved how could I not!" I say as I go to hug him

"Anywayss lets go get this over with and go party!"

"Woah woah woah who said anything about going to a party tonight!?" Tobio says

"No you are NOT about to keep me and y/n from having fun tonight!" Sumi says

"Who said I was? I was just upset nobody told me about going to the party tonight so whos party is it?" Tobio says

"Um im not sure all I know is theres a party and there will be other people from different schools going so yeah... how did you not hear about it?" I say

"Yeah the whole team even knows about this party they are all going" Sumi says

"Wow that was very fake of them" Tobio says

"Well now you know so lets go take our seats and graduate bitches" I say

After the ceremony

"Okay mom please enough pictures!"

"Oh come on sweet heart just a few more! Misumi! Tobio! Come here for a picture" My mother says

"Aww you guys looks so cute! Okay now one of just you and Tobio" mom says

"Oh but come one make it a cute picture guys! Kiss!" Akane says

"Mom please! We are in public" Tobio says

After about 30 more minutes of taking pictures with everyone we finally left to get lunch at ( insert place ) . Once we finished eating we all went back to my place. We all went into my room.

"Alright miss girl and Kageyama... lets get ready" Misumi says

"Yeah l have an outfit in mind so lemme go change and you guys tell me what you think okay? Okay" I say walking to my closet

"Why did you say my name like that?" Tobio says

"Howd i say your name?" Sumi replys

"Like you were bothered by me" he says

"Im not bothered by you... well...." she says

"See you are" he says

"No no im not I just need to adjust because ive never been in y/ns room with you at the same time sooo..." Sumi says

"Oh well get used to it because I ain't leaving any time soon" Tobio says

"Guys how does this look?" I say coming out my closet

I stand in front of them waiting for then to say something.

"Uhhh guys? Its getting too quiet and im getting nervous so please say something haha...." I say


"Wow you look so hot right now" Tobio says making me blush

"Oh so you're saying he doesn't look hot all the time pft wow some boyfriend you are" Sumi says

"Omg Misumi!" I say

"What? No she always looks hot fucking beautiful all the time but when she gets ready it just even adds on her beauty. And im not her boyfriend im her fiancé get it right" Tobio says

"Tobio-" I say surprised at his response but also blushing

"Okay mr setter I see you 'fiance' ha" Sumi says with a smile

"So this is fine right?" I say

"Oh yes its more then fine" Tobio says

After that Misumi and Tobio changed and got into the car heading to the party

"Hey did any of you find out whos throwing the party?" Tobio says

"Oh yeah his name is Suna" Sumi says


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