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At Misumi's house

Y/n's Pov

Misumi : "Soo whats the tea girly"

"Mai and Kageyama broke up so I was comforting him all weekend thats all"

Misumi : "ALL WEEKEND? Damn girl.. why though?" She said confused

"Honestly I don't know why I did maybe because I know what it feels like to have your heart broken and plus he is staying with me for a while so its the least I could do" I said as I shrugged my shoulders

Misumi : "Yeah I guess but he's been such a jerk to you since middle school. Im surprised they didn't break up sooner considering how much of an ass he is"

"I think he had a soft spot for her. You should've seen the hurt and pain in his eyes I felt bad"

Misumi : "They broke up because of the engagement right?"

"Yeah and the gag is he didn't tell her about it until then thats what lead to them breaking up"

Misumi : "Are you serious!? He didn't bother to bring it up to her before? God I feel so bad for Mai she deserves better then an ass like him"

"Yeah I wonder how she took it. I can't help but to feel guilty though because I feel like its all my fault since my parents went behind my back to arrange this" I said looking down

Misumi : "Girl its not your fault them breaking up isn't your fault okay" she said leaning in to hug me

"You know he was really touchy the whole time I was comforting him. Like I went to cuddle him since he was upset and he wouldn't let me go the whole time. Thats why we didn't go today."

Misumi : 👁👄👁 (her face)

"And the thing is I felt nothing until this morning.. when he pulled me back into the bed and held me tighter my heart started racing for some odd reason"

Misumi : "Oh yeah for sure it was for some odd reason" she said laughing a me a bit

"And then out of nowhere I caught myself staring ay his face and I was rubbing my thumb over his cheek and all I could think was how peaceful he looked"


"Don't what? What am I doing" I said confused

Misumi : "Do you not realize what you're doing??"

"Well obviously I don't if im CONFUSED AS TO WHY YOU ARE YELLING AT ME"

Misumi : "Oh honey I didn't think you were this dense" she said while face palming

"Well im sorry I only have a hand full a brain cells"

Misumi : "You're giving yourself to much credit gurl you only got like 1.5! 2 on your good days" she said laughing


"First of all bitch I didn't come here to get attacked and second of all tell me!"

Misumi : "You're falling for him y/n.." she said looking at me dead in the face

My face went blank.

Was I really falling for him? How? Why? When did this even happened?

Misumi : "Y/n"

Kageyama Tobio : Arranged Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin