Twenty one

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"Can you not walk so close behind me! You're literally on top of me dude!" I whisper yelled

Kuroo : "My bad y/n I didn't think you would mind we are friends now after all"

~A little flash back moment~

We start following the soon to be couple on their date and bump into the four other guys, two of them being the guys from the threesome I had that one time ahaha....

Bokuto : " HEY HEY HEY!"

Hinata : "KENMA!"

Kenma : "Shoyo!"

The two of them started talk. Huh I wonder who he is

Daichi : "Hey guys what are you doing here?"

Bokuto : "We are just getting food"

Kuroo : "Who is this pretty girl with you guys daichi" he said smirking at me

Kageyama : "Thats l/n f/n"

Tobio was looking a bit annoyed at the comment the bed headed man said about me... is he jealous? i smirked to myself almost letting out a laugh


Kuroo : "Im Tetsuruo Kuroo but you can call me any time" he said with a wink

Akaashi : "How have you been babygirl"

Kuroo : "Akaashi you know her?!"

Bokuto : "Actually we both do dont we kitten"

"Um yeah can you guys NOT say that to me please and thank you"

I looked over at Tobio and he looked like he was going to pop. He is soo mad right now its kinda funny. The other guys don't know whats happening and are comfused on how I even know bokuto and akaashi and they are not about to find out why I know them.

Suga : "Y/n how do you know Bokuto and Akaashi?"

"Oh um they were at the business dinner party my dad had with his friends and shit"

Tanaka : "But why are they calling you those names y/n?"

Kuroo : "Yes I would like to know as well"

Daichi : "Please do tell y/n"

Kageyama : "Guys lets go before they leave the cafe" he said pissed off

Tanaka : "Woah whats got your panties twisted kageyama"

"Tanaka no not now so we should go! We still have that bet after all"

Akaashi : "Its because we fucked her"

Daichi : "Oh wow is this true y/n?"

All the guys faces were in awe they couldnt process what they just heard and I can't believe he just said that after that night has been far away in my head

Asahi : "I see so thats why Kageyama is mad right now"

Kuroo : "So you're telling me you guys both fucked her"

Bokuto : "Yes at the same time"

Asahi : "HUH!?"

Tanaka : "Oh wow"

Suga : 👁👄👁

Noya : 👁👄👁

Yams : "I feel very uncomfortable right now so imma just go with hinata and kenma ahaha" he scratched the back of this neck walking away

Kageyama Tobio : Arranged Where stories live. Discover now