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Y/n's Pov

Monday came around and my alarm had gone off at 6am. I got ready and went downstairs. My mother and father were eating breakfast and greeted me. I ignored them still pissed off at the fact that they went behind my back and forced me into an unwanted engagement.

"Y/n please... talk to us" my mother said

"Why.. why do you think I would ever want to talk to you guys again after that bullshit you did!?" I said almost yelling

"Y/n do NOT talk to your mother that way!"

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes and started walking to school

I didn't have to walk to school since I have my own driver but since I didn't want people knowing I come from a rich family because then I would always have people talk to me and trying to be my friend just because of the fact that got that shmoney.

I am very introverted. I hated talking to people, I hated when people would come up to talk to me, I just had people in general.

I made it to the school gates seeing my only friend Misumi waiting for me. We have been best friends for as long as I could remember. The only one who stuck by me after all these years no matter what.

"Hey Misumi!"

"First of all don't give me that happy smiley shit, why didn't you text me back all weekend? I was really worried!"

You see I haven't told her about the whole engagement thing and I know I should tell her but the moment I tell her she is going to get into it with Kageyama especially if I tell her what he said to me.

"Im sorry I was just really busy, my father had some business thing to take care of and had me go with him"

"Oh well I guess I can forgive you just let me know next time so im not so worried please"

"I promise"

We started walking towards out class when I see Kageyama with her little girlfriend "Mai". She annoyed the fuck outta me. She doesn't even love him! She's probably just using him honestly.

We made eye contact for a few seconds before I look away annoyed. He rolls his eye and continues to talk to his little girlfriend and volleyball friends.

I wasn't paying attention in class because I couldn't take what he said to me that night. Who knew he could be stuck a cunt. Well I mean it makes sense if you really think about it.


He always has girl drooling over him all day everyday literally 24/7


I started hearing a voice calling me.. it kinda sounded like Misumi. Maybe im just hearing things.

"HELLO!? Y/N!!"

"Oh sorry! Whats up?"

It was already lunch time and I don't even know how I managed to get to all my classes.

"Sheesh y/n whats gotten into you today? You keep spacing out"

"Mmm I dont think I have."

"Really.. girl... whats on your mind"

"Oh its nothing"

"Nope don't buy it. Sit. Now spill"

"I... well I.."

*nervously laughs*

"So you know how I told you about that business stuff with my dad... well I kinda lied..."

"😑 (the face she made) what happened then"

"So long story short Kageyama and I are engaged and he basically told me to fuck off and ive been in bed the whole weekend crying and depressed"

"ENGAGED??" She yells

"Shhhh keep it down! Not everybody needs to know" I covered her mouth

"Why didn't you call me???? I would've rushed over so you didn't to be alone."

"Im sorry I just.. I didn't know how to tell you. I was still in shock and I couldn't fully process what happened"

"Okay well im coming over today and you are going to tell me everything! Down to the last detail"

"I will"

School ended and we heading to my house. I told her everything and she was mad and when I say mad I mean MAD.

"Im going to kill him"

"Wait Misumi! Noo just leave it alone! Theres no need to please!"

"No he disrespected you making you cry even more! Thats not okay. Im going to kill him and you aren't going to stop me"

"Misumi... please I don't want things to get  more worse then it already is between us"

"Ill try. Im not making any promises just so you know"

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