31 || novitiate

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WE SAFELY MADE IT BACK TO ARKADIA. I was happy to see my friends again after eight days of not seeing them. 

However, as soon as I heard Lexa was challenged by Queen Nia and had chosen herself as the champion to fight, I borrowed Helios from Octavia and started making my way back to Polis. I hoped I could talk her out of it or at least be there for moral support.

I only told Kane and Octavia that I was leaving. I knew Bellamy would never allow it, hence why I didn't tell him. Harper and Jess wouldn't either. Neither would Sinclair, Raven or Monty. 

I rode so fast, I made it to Polis in record time. I rushed into the tower, no one bothering to stop me. Lexa couldn't fight against Roan. She didn't stand a chance. From what I've heard, he's as good as Lexa but due to his size and strength, he could probably beat her. 

I made my way up the elevator to the throne room as fast as I could. I needed to speak to Lexa ASAP.

"Clarke worries about her people. Tell her what will happen to them when you become Heda, Aden," I overheard Lexa speaking. Great, she was planning her death.

The guards in front of the door looked at me and must have recognized me because they opened the doors immediately. Inside the room was Clarke, Lexa and Aden. All of their heads snapped toward me as they heard the doors open.

"Tahlia?" Clarke knitted her eyebrows, confused as to why I was there.

"If I become Heda, I pledge my loyalty to the thirteenth clan," Aden continued their conversation respectfully. 

"Thank you. Now, go join the others. Tahlia, go with him. I will be with you shortly," Lexa said calmly. Aden bowed and headed out of the room. I let out a huff before reluctantly following.

"What are you doing back so soon?" Aden asked on our way to wherever we were going in attempts to make conversation.

"I heard Heda was participating in a challenge against Roan," I answered.

"You're worried." Aden observed. I nodded. "Heda thinks you and I are the most promising of the novitates. I know your people will be in good hands if either of us become commander."

"But I'm not a novitiate. I just don't want anyone to die," I sighed. But what if I could be? I was about to make a very irrational decision that could either get me killed, cause a war or give me a chance of becoming the Commander.

"Can you keep a secret?" I asked Aden, stopping in my tracks. He stopped to and furrowed his eyebrows cautiously. Nonetheless, he nodded. I took a deep breath and grabbed his knife from it's holder on his hip since I had to leave mine at the gates.

He seemed put off guard by this but kept watching me in silence. I held my hand open. I glanced around us quickly to make sure we were alone. I cut a slit along my palm, letting my black blood come into his view. 

Aden's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. I grabbed a cloth out of my bag and quickly wrapped up my hand so no one else would see it.

"You are a nightblood?" Aden asked, dumbfounded. "How?"

"I don't know. Passed down through my family, I guess. I want to become a novitiate," I decided. I knew that would mean Aden and I would eventually have to kill each other but I needed to do this for my people. "I know that would mean you and I would have to face off in the conclave but for now, I want to become a novitiate."

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