Chapter 9

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Nya's entire body ached and she rubbed her jaw. She was sure that a bruise was already starting to form and Kai would probably wrap her in bubble wrap when she got home that night. She had been hanging out with her friends Pixel Borg, Harumi Jade, and Dareth Marriott at Dareth's apartment above his family's dojo, studying for an upcoming test. Pixel Borg had ghostly pale, almost white, skin with wide lips and bright green eyes. Her hair was styled like Nya's and was a very light platinum blonde.

She had a dark purple dress with bright red details and an opening in her left arm that showed a part of her chest, and red heels.

Harumi Jade had long bleached white hair with long bangs fashioned in a bun with chopsticks stuck through it. She wore a dark green jacket with matching pants, a white shirt with red lotus flowers printed on it, and full lips painted red. Dareth Marriott had smooth, glossy brown hair and a proud smile. He wore a light brown gi with the left side of the gi was folded over the right, with the edges of the clothing lined with gold, and had a star emblem on the back.

He wore a golden necklace with a star in the middle and his pants had symmetrical dark brown and elaborate gold printings.

Nya wasn't sure how it happened, but soon they were talking about the dojo and what type of lessons the instructors offered. To cut a very long story short, they all had started bragging about different fighting styles they all knew. They soon ended up downstairs to properly show off to each other and damn, Harumi really knew how to throw a kick. Nya made sure to give her a good punch back, proving all that money Kai had spent for her to learn self-defense was not in vain.

She looked around the dojo and she couldn't help but smile.

Her friends all looked as exhausted as she did. Still, it had been a good forty-minute workout. It had broken some of the tension that was still there from all the studying the group had been doing. Nya quickly checked her phone to make sure that her brother hadn't contacted her and found nothing. He was probably still hanging out with Jay. She was happy he finally had someone to talk to outside of work. He had been so busy these past few years and Nya hardly saw him anymore.

It was sad to see, but hopefully, their new neighbor would help her big brother come out of his shell and be like he was before he got this manual labor job.

She saw how Jay's eyes lit up when he asked about Kai and she had a strong feeling he felt the same way. Nya hoped that one day she would find someone who loved her like that. The last message she had gotten from Kai was when she told had him that she was giving Jay his phone number. The group of friends started drying off the sweat and the tension of the past few weeks seemed to disappear.

"I'm starving," Harumi complained. "Let's go out to eat, all Dareth has is caviar and cheap crackers."

"I can cook." Dareth offered.

"No!" They all said in unison and Dareth looked crushed.

"We can order pizza." Nya offered but Pixel looked squeamish.

"No thanks, we ate pizza a lot the other day, I want to eat at a nice restaurant with actual chairs."

"You heard her, The Cobra it is, I'll call to make sure that they have a table for us." Dareth grinned, it was well known in their group that Dareth had fake IDs and they had used them before to secretly buy booze and cigarettes. Pixel turned red as everyone looked at her in amusement.

"No, I do not want to go to the Cobra again; last time I went there were a bunch of young ladies in short shorts and shirts that barely covered their midriffs." She flinched and shivered in disgust at the memory.

"That's part of the uniform, Pix." Nya snorted. "Anyway, Cobra is closed down for the next three months, something about reconstructing the place."

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