Chapter 45

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Nya and Skylor groaned as they both lay boneless over the couch. They had been up late last night going over Skylor's restaurant business until they realized how late it had gotten, but they were too tired to crawl back to bed. When Jay and Kai, the former limping slightly, walked into the living room they laughed at the sight of the two girls sprawled out on the couch, looking like a couple of wild humans. Jay had injured his ankle when he helped Cole and Zane carrying the rest of the baby things up the stairs.

It was swollen, but luckily it wasn't broken.

"I can't believe you two stayed up 'til four last night." Jay giggled as they snorted awake. Kai burst out laughing as if he had just heard the world's greatest joke as they tried to make themselves look decent.

"Piss off you pregnant bastard," Nya growled at her brother, but Kai knew she didn't mean it.

"You heading out?" Skylor yawned when she saw them both grabbing their coats.

"Yep, we thought we would head to the mall and look for something for Cole's birthday, then we're heading to the hospital so the doc can check Jay's ankle," Kai replied.

"How many times do I have to say it? I'll be fine in a few days." Jay whined, only to stop complaining when Kai shot him a glare. The brunette didn't have to accompany him, but he wanted to make sure Jay actually went to the hospital and he just wanted to spend some time with one of his boyfriends, even if it was on another trip to the hospital. When he was sure his boyfriend wasn't going to argue with him about it anymore, he smiled at the girls.

"Zane's probably got a list waiting, we just need to know what's on it."

"It'd be easier to know what's not on it." Jay sighed in frustration. "Apparently Lou called last night and he told Zane that he was giving Cole an electric car, so we need something that can top that."

"Bit over the top ain't it?" Nya asked.

"His dad likes to spoil him, Cole being his only child and all." Jay shrugged, only for his face to fall in sadness. "Even though they almost never see each other."...


Jay tried to stop himself from gagging as he watched Kai stuff his face with a chicken sandwich dunked in custard they had gotten from the hospital cafeteria. Jay didn't understand Kai's pregnancy cravings. One minute he was throwing up at the smell of meat, the next he almost had a meltdown if he didn't have meat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The people working in the cafeteria had given the brunette odd looks when he placed his order.

But luckily they saw his bump and knew better than to say something.

Unfortunately, the people in the waiting room weren't so considerate. Out of the corner of his eyes, Jay could see them gesturing over to them and snickering or gagging. One entitled mother turned her nose up at them and was about to say something, but one sharp glare from Jay quickly shut her up. Thankfully Kai was too busy with his food to notice anything happening around him. As the minutes turned into an hour of waiting, Kai was starting to get impatient.

He was about to say something to a nurse when he noticed Misako walking past.

He called to get her attention and she approached the couple. Jay's eyes narrowed when he saw her, thinking she looked familiar but he couldn't remember from where.

"Oh hello again, this is starting to get ridiculous." She laughed lightly.

"Yeah." Kai agreed.

"I hope you are aware that there are more fun places to hang out?" She joked lightly. "Especially with your condition."

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