Chapter 23

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As soon as Kai read the message telling him Chen and whoever was with him had captured his sister he couldn't think, only feel. His bright amber eyes blurred with fresh tears. There was a sharp ringing in his ears, blocking out all other sounds around him. The inside of his mouth tasted like ash as his stomach dropped with dread. His body grew cold as his usually tanned skin started to pale in fear. He re-read the disgusting message again and memorized the address at the very bottom.

He didn't know what he was going to do, all he knew was that he needed to save her.

He considered telling the others, but remember that the message had said to come alone. He knew Chen well enough to know that he followed through on all his threats and he was not to be taken lightly. He thought about calling Skylor, but he was scared Chen would do something to her. Kai knew it was probably a trap for him only. How could it not be? Kai wasn't really thinking about that, however. All he could think about was how Nya was suffering at the hands of that monster.

He got his shoes on and all but ran for the nearest exit.

As soon as he stepped outside into the city Kai noticed something was wrong. It seemed a little too easy for him to just walk out of a secret, CIA hideout, but he couldn't think about that right now. He needed to save his little sister. Chen could be doing anything to her just to get at him. With that disturbing thought in mind, Kai ran to the nearest train station and headed for the address in the message...


Skylor sighed as she returned home from working at the club. She hadn't heard anything from Kai or from Nya. The last she had heard from Kai's sister was when she had left her a message saying that a friend of Kai's had offered her a job at the CIA. Even though she was happy for Nya, this news made Skylor even more worried for Kai. Last she checked, Kai, didn't have any friends. Apart from her and Nya that is. She had heard him and Nya talk about their new neighbor that Kai supposedly had a crush on, but with how the siblings described him, he didn't seem the CIA agent type.

As Skylor took her shoes and coat off, she could hear Chen snickering at something in the living room and she internally groaned.

Her father had been acting weirder than normal and it was scaring her. He really only got this way when he was about to receive a ton of money, which always meant bad things. As quietly as possible, Skylor began creeping upstairs to hide in her room. As she passed by Chen's open study, however, something caught her eyes. His computer was lit up and unlocked. It never was before. She didn't know why, but something inside her told her to see what was on the computer.

She examined the screen and saw it was opened to her father's email.

Curiosity got the better of her and Skylor started looking through the different emails Chen had sent to his few business partners. What she saw disturbed and traumatized her more than she already was. Before Skylor could think of what to do next, however, the door behind her suddenly slammed shut and she jumped around to see Chen staring at her. He looked angrier than she had ever seen him. He knew what she had seen and now he knew what he had to do.

"Oh Skylor, didn't you know curiosity killed the cat?"...


Cole seriously felt like punching something, preferably Lloyd's face. After they had left Kai alone in the med bay so he could get dressed, the three boyfriends wanted to know what exactly Lloyd said to Kai during the interview to upset the brunette. They listened to the recording of the interview and were furious. Jay had a scowl on his face as an angry blush spread across his face. Normally Cole would find angry Jay adorable, but he was too mad to think about that.

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