Chapter 31

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This chapter might be triggering as I did some research on abortion and had Kai look at the same things I did.


Kai opened his eyes slowly and blinked then squeezed his eyes shut at the glaring light coming in through the window. His tired mind thinking he was back home, he groaned, turned over, and reached out for his phone on his bedside table. He made a confused noise and moved his hand around when he couldn't find it. He slowly opened one eye. He sat up when he realized he was still at the base. Kai glanced around the room for Nya, but nobody was in the room.

He was alone.

He frowned, it took him a minute to remember what happened. After Nya had stormed out, he cried until he passed out and one of the ninja, probably Cole, carried him to his room to tuck him into bed. He buried his head in his pillow and felt like screaming again. How is this his life? He was pregnant, with a real baby. He should have been happy. Nya should have been happy. But no, she was pissed. Kai did understand why she was so upset about this.

She didn't want him to have this rapist's baby.

Kai's eyes burned, tears building up. He struggled to keep them from falling. She made it sound like it was a definite thing like he was going to get rid of his unborn baby. Kai didn't even know anything about abortions. All he knew was that it destroyed the fetus, but that's it. He didn't what they did exactly or the aftermath side effects. He had to do some research on it first, and he had to talk to his sister. Have a real adult conversation with her and talk this over.

Kai was almost positive he could get Nya to at least think about him having the baby before they talked about abortion.

He looked down at his ultrasound picture that was sitting in his pocket. Nya probably wouldn't even consider him keeping it. She might though, but she might just outright decline it. Kai groaned again and banged his head softly on his pillow. The brunette sniffed and looked at the black and white photo of his unborn baby. If he was being honest, it still made him want to curl up in a tight ball and sob when he saw it. He forced himself not to though.

Crying wouldn't solve this, he had to stay calm and collected.

Besides, Nya would have to talk to him eventually. Kai almost drifted off, looking at the picture lost in thought. Before he knew it, it was almost nine in the morning. Kai sighed and put his hand on his stomach, he needed to come up with a plan. It was now late in the morning and way too late to even think about going back to sleep, but he wasn't going to sit around and cry and beg Nya to come back. He was going to do something with his time.

He should probably research what abortion is, exactly.

He never put much thought into it before, he never wanted to think about it. But he had to now, he has to research what it is. He pulled out his phone, typed in 'abortion', and clicked on a few links. According to the links, there were two ways of ending a pregnancy. In-clinic abortion and the abortion pill. Both were safe and very common when people used abortions as an option. He clicked around a bit, looking for information on the actual abortion and what an abortion pill was.

He read one link that described suction abortion, also called vacuum aspiration.

It was the most common type of in-clinic abortion. It used gentle suction to empty the uterus. Kai sighed, well this was great and all but it didn't go into any detail. It was pretty vague and irritating. He thought that maybe there was a video or something he could watch, to actually see what would happen. He clicked on the back button and typed in 'abortion video'. The Tiktok Abortion videos didn't actually show abortion, but the YouTube videos did.

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