Chapter 25

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After what felt like a few hours at least, Kai felt the van slow to a stop, causing the dildo in his butt to slide further in. He moaned and the men laughed as they began to detach it from the van floor. He felt his wrist and ankle cuffs being unclipped from wherever they were secured and then clipped to each other, effectively binding him. They left the bag over his head and the clothes pegs on as the van door was opened. He was unceremoniously thrown over someone's shoulder.

He struggled weakly, kicking with his bound legs and trying to stretch his arms from where they were bound behind his back to claw the face of the man carrying him.

He slapped Kai on the ass, hard.

"Behave yourself, slut, I still haven't punished you for punching me earlier, and I'd hate to have to add another to your list before we've even begun." He said in a warning tone. Kai said nothing as he felt himself being carried down a short set of stairs and then they entered a cool feeling room. The man dumped him off his shoulder onto a mat of some sort on the ground and he cried out as he landed on his bound arms. Before he could roll over, one of them yanked him roughly into a sitting position and he felt his cuffs being unclipped and his limbs again spread.

Within moments he was spread-eagled on the mat, his muscles straining to accommodate the torturous position.

A foam block was slid underneath the small of his back, causing him to arch upwards and reducing his range of motion even further. This new position thrust his chest out obscenely and despite himself, Kai felt a little throb in his dick. Just when Kai thought it couldn't get any worse, he heard Iron Baron's voice next to him. Kai didn't know how long the top hat-wearing man had been standing there but he had other things to worry about.

"Now, my little pregnant cunt, we'd discussed your need for punishment." He said in a smug tone. "I would like you to think about how obedient you will be to us, and how quickly you will follow our commands; we expect you to obey, and perhaps this will serve as some incentive in that regard." He purred and with that, Kai felt the clothes pegs ripped off his nipples and cock. He screamed as the blood rushed back into them. Before he could recover he heard a swishing sound and something struck his right nipple, making him scream again as it exploded in pain.

He heard a swish again, and this time it was his left nipple that was struck.

He moaned and twisted, trying desperately to move far enough to escape the blows as they rained down, alternating between his poor, abused nipples. He heard a low buzzing noise and suddenly there was a vibrator pressed to her cock.

"No, no, no..." Kai moaned as he felt a wave of pleasure begin to push through the pain in his nipples.

The beating didn't stop, but it began to feel almost good, which really scared Kai. He began to breathe faster, his heart hammering in his chest as he felt an orgasm approaching. He began to cry, horrified at himself for feeling pleasure while they did this to him, and he heard the men and Iron Baron laugh. Just as he was about to cum, the vibration and whipping stopped. He unconsciously lifted his hips in need before realizing what he was doing and going still.

He tried to ignore the feeling of emptiness and his desire to cum and focus again on his fear and anger.

Just as he started to get control of himself again, the vibrator was pressed back against his cock and they began to whip his nipples, harder even than before. This was repeated twice more, each time allowing Kai to get just to the edge of orgasm before taking away all sensation. By the end, he was ready to beg them to let him finish, and only the last edges of his pride kept him from breaking down and promising anything in return for an orgasm.

As he once more felt himself spiraling upwards into oblivion, hoping madly that they wouldn't stop, he felt the vibrator removed yet again.

Before he could cry out in protest, the whip was brought down on his cock, once, twice, three times. Kai screamed and his whole world exploded into a shattering orgasm, painful and wonderful all at the same time. He lay there, panting, struggling to stay conscious, and Iron Baron leaned down next to his face.

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