CHAPTER 15- New people!

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Everyone went home and slept. Aki and Atsumu went back to the mansion with Oikawa after picking up the kids. When they arrived Atsumu and Oikawa made food for the kids and Aki because those three were tired. After making the food and feeding them, they ate also and tried to go to sleep. Aki, Atsumu and Oikawa worried about those three people that they saw. "Do we have to tell them about the triplets...?" asked Atsumu. "I don't know... I still hate him for doing that to me..." replied Oikawa. Aki said, "Let's just go to sleep and think of this tomorrow.". Atsumu and Oikawa agreed and went to sleep. The next morning, they woke up and ate breakfast. When they heard notification from the group chat, they decided to answer them.




In the group chat with everyone.

Tsukishima: Who are you?

Kageyama: Ya

System: Oikawa, Atsumu, and Aki has come online.

Abe, Ace, and Ash: Hello

Aki: When-

Oikawa: How-

Atsumu: Why-

System: Aki has kicked Abe, Ace, and Ash from the group chat.

Oikawa: Thanks...

Tsukishima: Wait, is it those three...

Atsumu: Yep

Tsukishima: Sorry Aki, I didn't recognize you...

Aki: It's ok

Kageyama: Tell us what's going on...

Yamaguchi: You those people Tsukki!

Kita: Tell me what's going on.

Tsukishima: Tell them what you told me when you were dating them.

Sakusa and Iwaizumi: Oh great, another ex

Osamu: This time it's all three of your...

Kita: Tell us what you guys told Tsukishima.

Atsumu: OK...

Tsukishima: 911, what's your emergency?

Hinata: What?

Aki: Don't think we can take it...

Makki: Take what?

Oikawa: With every drama, a piece of us dies....

Atsumu: Like some kind of sadists...

Kita: ....

Osamu: WHAT?

Mattsun: What did they do...?

Sakusa and Iwaizumi: ...^

Aki: I think that he likes to see the pain in our eyes...

Oikawa: He knows that we're lovesick...

Osamu: Since when?

Kita: Ummmm...


Atsumu: They kissed us and promised we will be alright...

Sakusa and Iwaizumi: WHAT?!?!

Suga: No...

Aki: We all know its bullshit...

Oikawa: The longer we're with him the less we're alive...

Aki: Doctors on the other had

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