CHAPTER 20- Happy ever after

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Sakusa's idea was to contant everyone and ask them of ideas. Iwaizumi and Ari contacted Sakusa to share the same idea. Sakusa said to them "I will create the group chat without Atsumu, Sakusa, and Aki.". Ari and Iwaizumi agreed with Sakusa and told him who to add.




In the group chat without Atsumu, Oikawa, and Aki in the morning.

Sakusa: We need help to do something

Hinata: What do you mean by "we"?

Iwaizumi: Sakusa, Ari, and me

Suga: Are you going to propose?

Ari: How did you know?

Akaashi: We could feel it

Osamu: Oh...

Makki: Oh?

Suna: Give it a minute

Osamu: OH.... EXCUSE ME!??!

Kita: WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?!?!

Aran: Kita calm down...

Suna and Kenma: I have an idea...

Kenma: You could do not another song about love!

Suna: What I was about to say.

Mika: You want to make them sad or something?

Hikari: Not that...

Mika: How about this ************

Sakusa: Perfect

Iwaizumi: Great

Ari: Yep, this is the one

Terushima: Nice!

Lev: Can we be there too? I wanna see their reactions!

Yaku: ^

Lev: Yaku-san!

Yaku: Shush

Kenma: Nice, we want to be there

Narrator: Everyone in the group chat agrees.

Suga: But if you hurt them...

Osamu: I will make sure

Kita: That you will not see

Akagi: Next day's light

Makki: We will make sure

Mattsun: Of it :)

Daichi: Calm down guys...

Suga: No

Sakusa and Iwaizumi: ...

Ari: Got it!

Suga: Ok then! Let's start preparing!

Akaashi: I have the perfect place!

Kenma: Where?

Akaashi: In a few hours there is going to be a sunset right? We can go to a beach and do it there while the sun is setting!

Sakusa: Perfect!

Bokuto: AGASHI, That's so good!

Iwaizumi: Ok, I started the preparation there!

Ari: Let's tell them to come there at 7:00 PM

Sakusa: Yep, Suga you tell them

Suga: Kk

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