CHAPTER 18- Stay Away!

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Oikawa: No, wait let me start...

Aki: Ok

Oikawa: I live inside my own world of make believe

Aki: Kids screaming in their cradles profanity

Tsukishima: I finally caught the pattern.

Atsumu: I see the world through eyes covered in ink and bleach

Yamaguchi: What is the pattern Tsukki?

Tsukishima: Cross out the ones who heard their cries and watched them weep...

Osamu: What?

Kita: Weep...

Oikawa: We love everything

Suga: I know...

Aki: Fire spreading all around the room

Ari: Run away, why are you still there?

Kageyama: Why are you still texting?

Atsumu: My world so bright...

Osamu: Run away idiot


Oikawa: It's hard to breath

Aki: But that's all right

Atsumu: Hush

Iwaizumi: That's not all right

Aki: Run away

Sakusa: Where are the kids?

Makki: Guys, Tsukishima also knows what's going on...

Noya: Taped their eyes open to force reality

Kuroo: Why can't you just let them eat their weight in glee

Abe, Ace and Ash: No

Hinata: They live inside their own world of make believe

Mattsun: It looks like other people also know what's going on

Sakusa, Iwaizumi, and Ari: TELL US?

Bokuto: Kids screaming in their cradles profanity

Akaashi: Bokuto-San?

Oikawa: Somedays we feel skinner that other days

Aki: Some days we can't tell if our body belongs to us...

Terushima: What do you mean?

Asahi: You guys are coming to church with me on Sunday. You can't refuse.

Daichi: Um... Asahi, they are demons remember?

Asahi: Oh ya...

Atsumu: I love everything, fire's spreading all around our room

Aki: Our world so bright

Oikawa: It's hard to breath, but that's all right

Atsumu: Hush

Sakusa: Still have no idea what's going on

Ari and Iwaizumi: ^

Suga: Oh.... I get it

Akaashi: They have been doing this all along

Moniwa: Care to share?

Abe, Ace, and Ash: ...

Abe: I wanna taste your content

Ari: NO

Ace: Hold your breath and feel the tension

Iwaizumi: Uh... I think tf not

Oikawa: Devils hide behind redemption...

Asahi: ...

System: Asahi went offline.

Noya: He fainted....

Aone: :'(

Daichi: I am coming right now

Aki: Honesty is one way gate to hell

Kageyama: I mean, you guys are already devils...

Hinata: Bakayama, don't say that >:-I

Kuroo: I wanna taste consumption

Bokuto: Breath faster to waste oxygen

Atsumu: Hear the children sing aloud

Ash: It's music till the wick burns out

Sakusa: I think not

Osamu: Don't you guys dare come near my brothers

Kita: Don't come near my children

Hinata: Hush

Osamu: Don't tell us to hush

Aki: Just wanna be carefree lately

Kuroo: Just kicking up daisies

Suga: Got one too many quarters in my pocket

Akaashi: Count 'em like four leaf clover in my locket

Tsukishima: Untied laces

Hinata: Just trippin' on daydreams

Kageyama; Why will you do that, Boke?

Oikawa: Got little dirty lullabies playing on repeat

Iwaizumi: Why will you do that?

Atsumu: Might as well rot around the nursery and count sheep...

Osamu: NO!



Iwaizumi and Ari: ^

Tsukishima: You don't get it

Hinata: Every time they confessed to us they used a song to make it easier

Akaashi: That's why there is a lot of repeat when they confess

Osamu and Kita: Oh, that makes sense

Kuroo: But everything that they said in the song was all true

Hinata: Yep

Yamaguchi: ...

Kageyama: What?

Yamaguchi: Why is Abe, Ace, and Ash so quiet?

Jay and Ray: Ya...

Mika: Oikawa, Atsumu, Ari?

Hikari: Hello?


Atsumu: GET AWAY


Sakusa: Oh no they didn't...

Kita: I am coming over there right now.

Abe, Ace, and Ash: Don't run!

Atsumu: Eeek, no stay away!

System: Atsumu, Oikawa, Aki, Ace, Ash, Abe went offline.

Yamaguchi: What just happened?

Sakusa, Iwaizumi, and Ari: We're coming too... 

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