A lively morning

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-Meliodas POV- (Past)

The arguement with the goddess fucker was interrupted by the human, I think his name is Ban, sat up from his hammock and yelled "Could you two shut up?! I'm tryna sleep!"

It's already bad to share a bed with the goddess fucker and I need to share a room with the annoying immortal too?!

"You try to sleep with goddess fucker!" I yelled back and pointed at the future me.

"I'm not a goddess fucker!" He yelled back.

"Are you not?! What race is Tristan's mom then? Huh?" I yelled.

"A goddess!" He yelled back and I yelled "Exactly! A goddes fucker!"

"Well, you seem to have taken liking to that half goddess, haven't you?!" Goddess fucker yelled while Ban groaned and put a pillow over his head.

"N-no! I haven't! I-I, I just don't want him to burn down the tavern! T-that's a-all!" I yelled. Then it knocked on the window and we both looked there.

The giant, Diane I assume her name was, asked "Captain told me to tell you that you need to be quiet, Tristan can't sleep when you are yelling."

-Meliodas POV- (This time)

"That seemed to shut them up." I said and laid down again beside a sleeping Tristan. Elizabeth was on the other side of him and responded "Finally."

"So, Elizabeth?" I asked. She responded with "Y-yes, sir Meliodas?"

I stood up on one elbow and looked at her as I asked "Now when you know you will be a mother, want to have some suck time? You and me?"

"G-good n-night sir M-Meliodas." Elizabeth said and turned to not face me with a blood red face.

"Good night Elizabeth." I said and got to sleep.

I woke up by someone jumping in bed and saying "Father! Father! Father! Father! Father!" again and again and again.

As soon as I opened my eyes, Tristan jumped on top off me.

"Father! I want to play! Other father said that you knew a fun game!" Tristan said. Elizabeth was trying to go back to sleep. She must have awoken when Tristan jumped in bed and yelled.

"Okay, I'm coming." I said and Tristan ran down the stairs. Soon I come down to see Ban sleeping on the counter, future making breakfast and past sitting on a chair with crossed arms and looking more angry then usually.

"Sup!" I said and then looked at past and asked "Why so angry?"

He just grunted in response and future answered "He wants to play with Tristan, but I'm not gonna let him do it."

"I'm his dad too! As a dad, I need to teach him how to stand up for himself! Not play!" Past said and looked at Tristan running around the boar hat, laughing.

"You was the one telling Tristan I have a funny game to play when I clearly don't have!" I said and pointed at future. He nodded.

"Well, I have some things I can teach Tristan! Let me teach him!" Past said frustrating. It's clear he wants to play with Tristan.

"I'm the Meliodas from this timeline, so I'm the one deciding!" I said, a matter of factly. Future agreed and past just groaned, knowing I am right.

"What do you want to have said with that failure?!" Past asked. I pointed at past and said "I have decided that you will be Tristan's babysitter for today."

His eyes lit up, but he had a poker face on and said "Whatever." as he got up and ran after Tristan.

"B-but-" I cut future off saying "You was the one that agreed."

He sighed, knowing I was right. Then Elizabeth come down the stairs, so I asked "Couldn't go back to sleep?"

She shook her head and said "No, is it any breakfast ready?"

"Yeah! Come and get it!" Future said and Ban immediately woke up.

"You are not gonna feed anyone with your cooking!" Ban said and snatched the food away to then give it to Hawk.

"I'm starting with it princess." Ban said, earning a "I want too!" from Hawk.

"Sure Master." Ban said, making past stop running after Tristan and asked "A pig is your master? That is hilarious!"

He was nearly laughing at this point. Then we heard a "What are you doing?" from Hawk. Tristan had jumped on top off Hawk and was now riding him.

"Father! Look! A talking pig!" Tristan said as Hawk started walking around the boar hat. Then past spoke "I'm coming to get you!"

"Run Hawk! Run!" Tristan yelled. Hawk started running, being followed by past trying to catch them. They was all laughing or giggling.

"Wonder where Merlin, Escanor and Gowther is? Shouldn't they have come back by now?" I asked and Elizabeth looked at me.

"W-well, maybe they are d-doing something?" Elizabeth asked, making me nod.

"Hey, guys? Do you think King is okay?" Diane asked from outside.

"He can always come back if he wants Diane. So he should be fine." I said.

"When do you think Merlin will be back? I need my pills to be small again." Diane said, making me answer "No idea."

"Breakfast ready!" Ban said and gave the princess her food. Hawk ran to him immediately, letting past catch Tristan.

"Cough you!" Past said and hugged a laughing Tristan. Hawk started eating as everyone else sat down at a table. Except Diane who was in her giant form.

"Hey Captain! Let's drink!" Ban yelled and threw a drink to me that I cough.

"What is that liquid you are drinking?" Past asked as future also took a drink. Then Ban asked "Never had alcohol before?"

"I have not that time to drink with my duties in the castle and with the war going on." Past said and sat down, Tristan sitting beside him.

"Try it." Ban said and threw a drink to past. He cough it and looked at the bottle a second before drinking it.

"This is bitter." Past said and took some more. You could see his face going a bit red. Wait, I was a lightweight when I first tried my first ale.

This will be a pain.

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