Run away

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-Meliodas' POV- (Future)

"Father, I wanna go home." Tristan cried, tears running down his face as he sat outside the boar hat. I sighed and said "We are trying to get us home. It might take some time, but we will be home soon, okay?"

He nodded and hugged me, crying into my chest. I put my arms around him, trying to calm him down. Past didn't even want to 'teach him to not burn down the tavern' anymore and everyone else is doing their own things.

Diane is finally moving on from me to King, who gives her as much attention as she needs. Merlin is as mysterious as ever. Ban is mostly drinking and cooking. Escanor is doing poetry and tries to get Merlin's attention. Gowther is reading and cross dressing, also getting to know past as past finally tried to get to know everyone a bit. Past also stares much more at Elizabeth and this timeline Meliodas. Hawk eats more scraps than ever.

"Everyone! I have something to announce!" This time me spoke, making me say "Let's get inside, yeah?"

He shook his head, saying "I-I wanna stay."

"Okay, I will come back soon." I said and went inside to see now me stand on the table.

"Everyone is here? Okay! Elizabeth and I are now dating! That's all." He said, making me shrug. That was all? Really?

"Oh! I'm so happy for you two!" Diane squealed, King trying to calm her down. The past me from 3000 years ago me, just stared at the two with an angry expression.

With a small sigh, I went out to Tristan again, just to see that he wasn't there. Quickly looking inside again, I looked after him, just to see that he was gone.

-Tristan's POV-

As soon as father left, I went to Liones. I'm going home without him if he doesn't take me home. As long as I see the castle, I will be able to know the way home.

I started walking towards Liones that was just down the hill. Once I entered, I started walking at the direction to the castle was.

It didn't take too long before I saw the gates and ran inside. I have missed my room so much.

"H-hey kid! You're not allowed inside the castle!" A guard yelled, making me laugh and run even faster. I love to play that they are evil knights!

I stopped running when I bumped into someone, falling to the floor. I looked up at the person to see grandpa.

"Grandpa!" I yelled and immediately hugged him. When I let go, I looked up at him with a smile.

"Why are you here? Are you coming to meet mother and father? You look so much younger now! Before, you looked like you was a hundred years old! Mow you look like 99!" I said, excited. I always get toys of grandpa when he arrives.

He cleared his throat before someone interrupted, saying "Father? What are you standing there for?"

"Auntie Margaret!" I yelled and ran to hug her. She's here too!

"Is auntie Veronica here too?!" I asked, looking at them back and forth.

"Father? What is happening?" Auntie Margaret asked.

"I have no clue at all." Grandpa said. Then the knight came back, saying "I'm so sorry I let this kid in you majesty! I will take him out immediately!"

"No! The evil knight caught up to me!" I laughed and ran away again, this time to my room.

Once I came there, I opened my room and ran inside, just to see a big bed that wasn't mine while all my toys was gone.

Where are they?

I fell to my knees, just staring at the toys empty room. Tears built up in my eyes as I heard coughing behind me.

Turning around, I saw grandpa looking down at me and auntie Margaret together with that knight.

"Grandpa! All my toys are gone! Someone have stolen them!" I cried, going to hug him and wanting his comfort.

He patted my back slightly, asking "Young boy, where are your parents?"

"Mother and fathers are at the tavern still." I cried, holding onto him.

"Fathers? You have many?" Auntie Margaret asked. I nodded, saying "Three fathers."

They all looked shocked before another knight ran towards us.

"You majesty, the seven deadly sins and princess Elizabeth is back in the kingdom and wanted to talk to you." The knight said, making my grandpa sigh and say "We are coming. Tell them we are there soon."

The knight nodded and ran away before grandpa looked at the other knight, saying "Go back and guard the entrance. I will take care of this boy."

The other knight nodded and also ran away before grandpa looked down at me.

"Come on, we have to go." Grandpa said. Nodding, I wiped away my last tears and took his hand as we started walking. Auntie Margaret walking on grandpa's other side.

It took some minutes before we arrived in the throne room, all fathers and mother being there, together with everyone else.

"Tristan! We have been looking after you in the whole kingdom!" Father said and ran up to me, hugging me.

"Meliodas? Is Tristan your child? Why is it three of you?" Grandpa asked.

-Meliodas POV- (Now)

"Well, we was fighting an enemy who casted a spell on me. Now my future self, my future kid and my past self is here and we need to send them back." I answered.

He looked shocked, but nodded anyways. He cleared his throat and asked "How long have this been going on and why are you here?"

"Two weeks and a half, Tristan ran away." I answered.

"Something more going on that I should know about?" Bartra asked. I was about to answer when past yelled "You don't have to know a thing old bastard! It's not your fucking business!"

Bartra immediately got annoyed, asking "Excuse me, but you are saying that to your future king?"

"No! You aren't and will never be my king! No one will!  I'm going to lead the demon race and you will be my first victim!" (Why am I laughing while writing this?)

"Excuse me? What do you think you are saying? There is not even any demons in this world! Besides, why would they follow you, even though you are strong, they would probably over power you." Bartra said, making me face palm.

Looking at me, he ordered "Tell your disrespectful self to stop before I consider to throw him in the dungeon temporarily."

"Honestly Bartra, he doesn't even have any emotions, why do you think he would listen to me if he doesn't even listen to you?" I asked. He just replied "Because he is you! And he's talking all nonsense!"

"I do not talk nonsense! I speak only truth!" Past said.

"Sure you do. See, just that is a lie." Bartra told me.

"Wanna pick a fight with me?!"

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