My future self

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-Ban's POV-

We come to the boar hat and Master looked really shocked when he saw Meliodas and Captain at the same time.

"T-two Meliodases?" He asked. Everyone except prinsess, Escanor and Gowther sat down. Prinsess stood behind the Captain while Escanor and Gowther stood with Merlin and Diane. Captain sat in front of Meliodas that had his legs on the table with crossed arms.

"Take down your legs." Captain said.

"No." Meliodas said. Captain signed.

"Okay then." Captain said.

"Just let's get this started, I don't want to be with weaklings." Meliodas said.

"H-" King was cut off by Merlin.

"Shut it King." Merlin said. Meliodas shoot a death glare at King at the same time.

"What the hell am I doing here?!" Meliodas asked and looked at the Captain.

"We was fighting Frowdrin when I accidentally stepped in his spell." Captain said.

"How stupid. Have you forgotten everything Chandler learn you?! You are a disgrace for the family and whole clan!" Meliodas said.

"Captain is not a disgrace! He's one of the best and strongest fighters in the whole Britannia!" Diane said. Meliodas shoot her a death glare that made her shut up.

"And Captain? What's that kind of nonsense?! You already have a title, what did you do with it?! What about the 10 commandments?!" Meliodas asked.

"It's not nonsense! I'm not the leader of the 10 commandments, I am the leader of the seven deadly sins now!" Captain said.

"What titles do you even have?! Captain of the seven deadly sins. Do you have a title in kindness too maybe?! You are pathetic! You are weak and you even rely on people like them! They all would be dead by now as weak as they are!" Meliodas yelled.

"You don't know them! They are stronger then you think!" Captain yelled.

"What happened to the real titles?! Not 'Captain'! The real ones! The ones you was born with?! The ones you made yourself?!" Meliodas yelled.

"What titles?" King asked.

"Don't ask. You will regret it." Merlin said.

"They don't even know the titles!" Meliodas yelled.

"And?! That was in your time line! This is another!" Captain yelled.

"I suggest that you all will calm down a bit and talk. We others has many questions." Gowther said. Captain and Meliodas was silent and looked at Gowther. Meliodas was the first to speak.

"Do you have a death wish or something?!" He asked.

"I do not understand your question. I am not able to die." Gowther said. The next second, Meliodas held in Gowther's head and his axe-sword was bloody.

"Wanna try that theory? It's more then one way to kill someone." Meliodas said.

"Let down Gowther's head." Captain said.

"And why would I do that?!" Meliodas asked. Then they started yelling at each other again.

"Sir Meliodas, please calm down." Princess said and laid a hand on the Captain's shoulder. Captain went silent.

"You are like a animal! Like their pets! Why do you even listen to them?!" Meliodas yelled.

"They are my friends!" Captain yelled.

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