Two weeks later

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-Meliodas POV- (This time)

We was all just looking at the door where future walked and then everyone turned their attention to me again.

"Oka-" I was cut off by the door opening, making me say "Sorry, but we are clo-" I cut myself off when I saw who it was.

"So, I can't come back before you open?" He asked. I smiled and asked "So, why are you here? Coming back?"

-Meliodas POV- (Future)

They started attacking me immediately until I showed my demon mark.

"Stop!" I said. Their faces was showing fear, but they didn't stop. One after one attack was thrown and I dodged. Once again, I said "Stop it or I will kill you!"

Right now, I need to act like the past, the past from 3000 years ago.

"W-we are s-so sorry. P-please forgive us." One said and got down on his knees, making the others do it too. They know to not mess with me, expectly not when I show my demon mark.

"Something have happened and I need a poison to send someone back to the past and future. Have you any?" I asked. They all shook their heads and said "W-we are sorry, but n-no poison like t-that exist!"

"Great." I mumbled and walked away. Then I snuck back to the human world. The thing that makes me able to go through the seal and human realm is the powers I got after fighting dad.

-King's POV-

I flew back. I have finally realized that Diane was right. Everyone have a reason to do what they do.

As I was close to the boar hat, I saw that the past Captain and Tristan was playing outside when Tristan suddenly tripped. In last second, Captain caught him with black tentacles coming out of his hand.

"Are you okay?" Captain asked as he placed down Tristan on his feet.

"These is so comfortable and warm! How do you do that?" Tristan asked as the tentacles slowly disappeared.

"I'm not sure if you can do it because you are half goddess." Captain said and walked up to Tristan.

"Hey Captain!" I said and he turned to look at me with a blank face before saying "I'm not your Captain, your 'Captain' is inside."

"Okay." I said and went inside.

"Sorry, buy we are clo-" the Captain cut himself off when he saw me. So I joked "So I can't come back before you open?"

"So, why are you here? Coming back?" He asked. I nodded and said "I'm sorry for what I said. It wasn't fair for you."

Then I walked up to the table and asked "So what are you doing?"

"We are planning of how to get past Captain, future Captain and his son to their time." Diane answered, making me nod.

"Any plans yet?" I asked, but they all shook their heads.,

-Meliodas' POV- (Now)

It's been two weeks and we haven't gotten any plan to get past, future or Tristan back. This isn't right. If they stay here much longer, this future won't exist.

Past doesn't really seem to want to go anywhere though. Not when he have Tristan here with him. Not only that, but it's something about past still when he looks at Elizabeth and sometimes, he even blushes as round her... Also Merlin have been acting a bit... strange.

"So Captain, how are you feeling? Anything different?" She asked  the same question she have asked me every day since one and a half week back.

"I'm feeling like normally. Why are you asking?" I asked.

"Nothing. Like you said, everything is normal, right? Elizabeth haven't changed and neither have your feeling after three thousands years, right?" She asked.

"You are acting even more strange than usually." I said before taking an ale. Tristan ran around and played with past.

"S-Sir Meliodas?" I heard, making me turn to Elizabeth, past and future doing the same.

"Yes?" We all said at the same time, making me groan in my mind.

"Which timeline?" I asked.

"T-this." She stuttered, blushing. The two others turned to do their own things as I asked "What is it Elizabeth?"

"E-eh, can we talk... alone?" She asked, making me nod, take her hand and drag her upstairs. Once we was there, I asked "What was it?"

"Umm, I-I-" She stuttered, blushing really much. It's cute.

"Yeah?" I asked, waiting for it. Then she suddenly said "I love you!" and ran away, shocking me. What just happened? No Elizabeth had given this kind of reaction before.

With a small sigh, I just went down the stairs and scanned the room after Elizabeth. Once I saw her in the kitchen, I went over to her, asking "Why did you run away?"

She made a small jump and turned around, her face red.

"I-I'm sorry, m-maybe I shouldn't have said anything." She spoke. With a small sigh, I just said "It's okay Elizabeth, really. I'm in love with you too, but right now, we have to focus on getting past back to his time and the same with the other two."

She nodded, blushing hard. With a small smirk, I said "But because both love each other, you can be my girlfriend!"

She blushed even more, but nodded. I really wonder how this will turn out.

Finally another chapter!

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