King gone

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-Elizabeth's POV-

I walked upstairs with Tristan. He was such a good boy. I wonder what the sins is doing downstairs?

"Mother? What's wrong with father?" Tristan asked and sat in the bed beside me.

"And why is it three fathers? And what is this place? Why are all the sins here? Is Lancelot here?" Tristan asked.

"Well, umm, do you want to hear a story?" I asked, not knowing what to do.

-Meliodas POV- (This time)

Crap, I really don't want to tell anything of this.

We all was at two tables. Past had his legs on the table and I sat opposite of him. Everyone else was at the other table looking at me, past and future.

Elizabeth and Tristan was still upstairs.

"The titles? You really wanna know that?" I asked, not showing that I was nervous of how their reaction will be.

Then past stood up and slammed in the table and yelled "You failure! Don't try to get away! If you aren't gonna tell them, then I will! I want to see their faces of when they know, so get to it!"

"Okay, okay, chill out bro." I said, making him look angry, annoyed and confused at me.

"What is... chill out bro? Talk in an understandable way and not some kind of made up language. This 'chill out bro' is not in any vocabulary of mine." Past said.

Everyone started laughing except me and the other me's.

"C-captain? When did you learn to talk in a so funny way?" Diane asked, laughing.

"I'm gonna piss my pants!" Ban laughed.

"Silence! I have no knowledge of why you are laughing at me!" Past yelled. I sighed before saying "Chill out bro means calm down."

Then I looked at everyone else and said "Stop laughing. That is a normal way to talk! At least in that time." I said annoyed.

"From when? 3000 years ago?" King asked and calmed down from his laughing.

"Yeah, that is exactly the right time." I said annoyed, then everyone went quiet.

"Captain? How old are you?" King asked. Annoyed with the question, I asked "Does it matter? I'm older then everyone here, so I don't think it matters."

"You said you was gonna tell us everything we wanted Captain." Merlin said and I gave her the 'Are you serious?!' look.

I sighed before saying "I'm 4316 years. Does that satisfy you?"

"That old?! How could you still look like a kid?!" Ban asked.

"I have a good lifespan, now, quit it." I said with crossed arms.

"So, those titles..." Merlin said. Why is she pushing me?!

"Yeah, that's right, what was it?" Diane asked. I sighed and asked "Do I really need to tell you?"

"I-I u-understand i-if y-" Escanor was cut off by past yelling "Tell them now you fucking traitor!"

"Okay, okay." I said and avoided everyone's look together with future, but past seemed very proud. He will regret tha that in the future, I'm sure of it.

"Well, I have pretty many titles. You all know about 'Captain of the seven deadly sins' and 'Dragon's sin of wrath'." I started and then looked down.

"That is the titles I have right now, but then, my titles was much more horrible-" I was going to continue, but was cut off by past saying "And the real titles."

"Yeah, yeah, however, the titles then wasn't titles in a good way." I said.

"Just tell what the titles is Captain!" King bust out. I sighed and then said "I had 9 titles then, being 'First demon prince', 'Next demon king', 'The hero of the demon clan', 'The most feared', 'The greatest evil', 'The Captain of the 10 commandments', 'Commandment of Love', 'Commandment of Benevolence' and 'The leader of the demon clan'."

"That was a bunch of titles." Ban said, clearly drunk  now with all the ale around him that I didn't even notice he had earlier.

"So... does that mean... you are a demon?" Diane asked as I nodded.

"First demon prince actually." Past butted in with his cold, emotionless voice. I sighed and looked at the sins. Merlin that already knew all that had no different expression. The same with Gowther, but everyone else? They didn't seem to take it as well.

Expectly with King yelling "You are one of those... those things?! What is even your goal?! You never told us and it is clearly not being a bar owner nor the leader of the seven deadly sins! So what is it?! Let the demon clan out of it's seal?! Destroy Britannia?! Maybe you want to rule over it all in fear?!"

"King, calm-" Diane was cut off by King yelling "No Diane! He is one of the demons! The race killing our clans! The race that killed my sister! The race that is the reason that the goddesses don't have physical bodies! They are just... just things! They love killing! That's the only thing they does!"

"Sir Ki-" Escanor was cut off by King yelling "No! I refuse to have a demon as a Captain! I'm leaving the sins. For ever!"

Then he turned to Diane and asked "You can come with me if you want, I'm leaving to the fairy king's forest."

Diane looked at me a second and then at King. I'm sure she will leave too.

"I'm sorry King, but I think everyone has a reason to fight and I don't want to jump in conclusions. I am staying with the Captain." Diane said, making me confused and happy at the same time.

King flew to the door and was about to fly out when I called "King! Wait!"

He stopped and just asked "What is it, Meliodas?" without looking at me.

"You can always come back if you change your mind." I said and he just flew out.

"Well, that was great. You lost an ally, or more like, you made a new enemy." Past said. I punched the table in rage, making it split in two and said "Shut your mouth! You know nothing about friendship nor love. You don't have any right to speak at this kind of situation!"

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