Eastward Scrolls

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I stumbled back to the hill thinking about what I just witnessed. Every trip to the Ancients left my mind heavy with knowledge. The future was confusing, and the past hadn't really given me the answer's I needed. Zara's message, I could work with. I had studied maps four hours, as part of my Ice-claw education, I knew the names of all the mountain, but the ones she showed me were unfamiliar. I also didn't have record of any wolf packs in Coniurantum.

I decided to check the library, there had to be something in the extensive archives. Stepping inside, I breathed in the welcoming scent of sun soaked, aging scrolls. There was a hole in the side to let the sunlight in, you can't read very well in the light of glowworms.

Despite what you may think, there are usually a lot of claws in the library. Scribe-claws have the job of recording historical events, restoring scrolls that have fallen apart, and organizing them, and cleaning them, and directing other claws to the scrolls they need. Some of them were even accomplished fiction authors.

A smiley, hyper looking, silver tabby with intense red eyes popped up in front of me suddenly. She looked young, around seven years old, not old enough to be an apprentice.

"Hilo! My name is Portofira! Are looking for a scrooooll?" She blurted.

"Um, yes, is there anything here about wolves, where they live maybe?" I asked.

"Oh yes! There are lots of scrolls on wolves! what they eat, the current and past alphas, social order, fur color, Magykal history, teeth sizes, sicknesses, imminent dangers, current diet-"

"I just need to know where they live," I cut her off before my ears exploded.

"Okay! Fooooollow me please!" Portofira started flutter walking through the mountains of paper.

I rolled my eyes and calmly walked behind her.

"I want to be a Scribe-claw when I grow up! I love reading the different scrolls, and turtles, I also love turtles!" She squealed.

"Ok?" I said, by the time we reached our destination I had heard her life story. She wanted to devout her clawship to writing about the wondrous lives of turtles.

"Right here!" She squeaked and hopped away.

I looked at the shelves quizzically, pulling one out I discovered it to be about the diet of lizards. All of them were about lizards, except for the one about proper cleaning and care of the wings.

"Are you okay? You look lost," I looked up to see a green eyed calico, about my age, staring at me.

"I'm looking for a scroll on wolves, your colleague, Portofira I think?-" I started.

"Oh! Sorry about that, Portofira ditches school a lot to hang out in the Library, she doesn't quite know her way around," she laughed.

"Oh, can you tell where all the information on wolves are? I just want to know where they live," I asked.

"It's right up here," She hopped into the air and plucked a scroll from the alcoves they sat in. "Here, my name's Skylark, by the way,"

With that, she walked off. I rolled open the scroll and started reading. I mentally gasped as a claw drawn map appeared the further I unrolled. I always thought Coniurantum ended past Ghost Mountain. It just hit wasteland that no one explored. Apparently the was a stretch on mountains called the Wolf's Haunches, and surround them were five wolf pack territories. There was also a large slice marked off for something called the Cervus, but that wasn't important. I recognized the Wolf's Haunches as the mountain chain from Zara's vision!

"I coming for you," I whispered to the paper.

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