Missing Piece

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Yells, screams, movement. It was all over so quick. It all sunk into an inky blackness that pulled at my fur and dragged me down into an abyss of nightmares. My sister's face, scarred and bloody, Tenebris' laugh. Screams of unknown claws, raking my sides.

I gasped and woke up, this was the seventh nightmare since the Blood Moon. At first they weren't so bad, now, they were worse. It had been two weeks, no trace of my sister. There was a gaping hole in my soul, it was driving me insane. The Magyk we shared had actually grown to an extent that we could feel each others presence. It was gone now, I felt like a cold empty shell.

I sighed and stared at her nest, her scent still clung to it weakly. I felt a silent tear run down my face, why did such emotions exists? I needed to get away from these memories, there nightmares. I found myself on the iced over sunning rocks, the moon shining down at me, pure, white, light. I spent the rest of the night crying my feelings away.


I was worried for my son, he had changed a lot since the Blood Moon. It took a lot just to get him to eat. He didn't move very often, and I suspected he didn't sleep enough as well.

I sighed, it was night, I heard Zach exit his den and head out. Where was he going? I wanted to go comfort him, a mother's instinct. I got up, Nepal shuffled in his sleep, I licked his ear and padded out. It took me five minutes or so to find him on the Sun Spot.

As I approached him, I marveled horrendously how the moonlight made him look so ghastly. With his ribs showing, dull wings and eye color, and the tears running down his face. I licked his forehead and his eyes opened.

"You okay?" I said quietly.

He got up "I just... don't feel whole" he mumbled.

"I can relate, did you know I had a twin growing up?" He looked at me surprised.

"What?" He gasped.

I chuckled "I and Antonio caused our father much grief, I was a White-claw before your father came along, see?"

I lifted up my paw and unsheathed my beautiful pure white claws. He looked down as his silver ones, slightly whiter that a normal Ice-claws.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Well, we lived rather close to the Blood-claws, and there was a skirmish... and Antonio was caught in the middle" I breathed.

"Oh... Mom?" He asked


"Did you and Antonio ever... hear each others thoughts?" Zach questioned

I looked at him oddly "No, but there were times I swear I could tell what he was feeling"

He nodded.

"You want to go back inside?" I asked him.

"Yeah, 'should probably get some sleep" he mumbled, turned, and walked away.

I sighed and stayed a little longer, a single star shot across the sky. A smile played upon my lips.

"Don't worry Anie, I'll watch over him" I whispered, and followed him inside.

Six Weeks (Dragonfly #4)Where stories live. Discover now