Lay To Rest

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I wanted to sleep, I really did. It just wouldn't happen. All I could think of was the look on Zara face, scarred and bloody, by my claws. All these horrible emotions dropped into my mind, where was she? I wanted her back, I needed her back. Could this be how she felt when I disappeared? For thirteen years of my life I never knew I had a sister, thirteen lonely years. Why did my feelings torture me so? I stared again at her empty nest, slowly I got up and crawled into hers instead. Only with the scent of her close by could I finally get some sleep.

When I woke up I was surprised to find Sierra, my mentor, waiting for me. Her brilliant purple eyes stared worriedly at myself.

"Hi Zach" she said.

"Hi" I replied.

"I just wanted to check on you, and I thought maybe we could go out, fly, hunt, nothing stressful, just routine"

"Sure, why not?" I sighed.

We walked ourselves up the spiral in silence. Flying held no joy to me anymore, I still took off. It was a crisp sunny morning, and summer was fading away to fall. I cruised silently on the great amounts of rising and falling air. Sierra followed by my side.

"Zach, I know your not feeling so well, Zara... She's been missing for two weeks... most of the other claws have accepted she's... dead" the last part was quiet.

"What?! How could they?" I gasped, more emotions swirled through me, I'm glad I didn't eat anything before.

A sudden violent wind shook me from the side. I tumbled a couple feet and regained my height.

"Your parents have been talking to me, they were thinking that maybe... it's time to accept.." She didn't get the chance to finish.

"No!" I screamed. I felt betrayed.

I folded my wings and dropped fast, like a rocket. I had to get away, tears flew from my eyes.

"She's not dead!" I screamed into the unknown. "She's not!"

I had to fight these feelings. Everything became a blur of speed and sound. Betrayal, by my emotions, by my mentor, by my future tribe. It stung like salt on an open wound.

I heard my mentor call out my name, the ground was approaching fast. I spread my wings but made no attempt to stop myself as I tumbled towards the ground. All the lack of food, sleep, and movement tumbled upon me then, and I blacked out.

The last thing I saw was the snow covered ground of my home. It betrayed me too.

Six Weeks (Dragonfly #4)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ