Kin Loqui

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The moment Zara's scream echoed through the cavern I woke up. Xanthos started, and for a second his light got a bit brighter. I tried to get up, nobody stopped me. But as soon as my head went up, I felt dizzy.

"Was that Zara?" Asked Ostend.

"Stay here I'll go check it out," said Xanthos, and tried to get up, then his light died dramatically, and he sat back down.

"I can't do it, there's just too much fear," he breathed.

"I'll do it," said Ostend.

"No!" me and Xanthos said at the same time.

"I'm they only one who's strong enough to walk, besides, it's not like you can stop me," he said defiantly.

I was powerless too stop him as he walked off and soon disappeared. I collapsed against the floor again, frustrated. I hated feeling powerless, but I was too tired to care, and soon fell into a deep sleep. Full of meaningless dreams, and fevered thoughts. Then I had a remembrance. A sort of dream that was actually a memory.

I was standing on top of Sound Mountain. The top half was crystal clear, like glass. I could see claws below me going about their day, next to me was another claw. She was brown, like me with darker splotches.

"Look Arroyo, you can see right through, do you know how this came to be?" My mom asked me.

"No, are you gonna tell me a story?" I asked, feeling young again.

She laughed, "A long time ago, when then Great Beasts walked the earth, they say the fire wolf Ignis had a short temper. He had just had an argument with Suka, the ice tiger, and he had flown far away, and he landed on this mountain. The mountain was made completely out of sandstone, and Ignis was very angry. And he created fire, it burned the sand and turned it to glass, making something beautiful out of his rage," She said.

"Whoa!"I gasped, and the dream dissolved before my eyes.

I woke with a start, and attempted to get up again. I could feel something, almost humming. It was coming from a long distance away, but it was very powerful. The ground started shifted beneath my paws.

"Can you feel it?" Asked Xanthos.

I nodded. Not knowing what to say. It stopped after a while. And I realized with a pang of worry, Ostend was still gone.

"Where's Ostend?" I asked.

I heard a scream, and Ostend came tumbling back suddenly. He was shaking hard, and really scared.

"What happened?" Asked Xanthos.

He didn't say anything, and his head fell to the ground as waves of fear shook his small frame. Then all of a sudden he gasped, and looked up at the ceiling. His brown glowed, and he was mumbling under his breath.

"What's wro-" I started before a strange feeling over came over me. My mind felt... Connected.

:I hope Arroyo's okay

What the? It sounded like Kennon's voice, in my head.




:This can't be happening, I must be dreaming

:Are you okay?

:Your voice is in my head, I'm not sure

:Besides that, are you hurt? Where are you?

:I don't know, the Moon Illness is wearing off though

:Just hang in there, I'm coming-

The link broke, and I could see again. Xanthos was staring at us with a scared and curious expression. I noticed Ostend had a smile on his face. I felt myself join him in happiness. I had heard my brother's voice again.

"What happened? Why is everyone so happy now?" Xanthos asked.

"I-" I felt strange all of a sudden. And I had a strange desire to walk in what I thought was a random direction. I got up, feeling much stronger, and I noticed Xanthos light was much brighter.

"Where are you going?" Ostend asked me.

I didn't answer him, I could see a figure outlined softy by the ghost king's light. It was a claw? I immediately thought of Tenebris, her coat was the same color, inky black with red eyes.

But as I stood transfixed, she closed her eyes and the blackness melted off her. The darkness floated over to a wolf's body I hadn't seen till just now. I started to back away, when I caught the claw's scent. No, it couldn't be. I sucked in a shaky breath as the wolf disappeared, the claw started to stir.



A note from the author:

It's the end of another book, and I would just like to say thank you to all of my wonderful followers, and their support. And a shout out to Of Monsters And Men, without them these books would not exist, seriously, they write great music, I highly suggest it.

Which bring me to something awesome. OMAM is making another album!!!!! It's titled Beneath the Skin, and has only released one song, called Crystals. I've been listening to it over and over, and guess what? A soon as this series is over, I'll be making a sequel series! the first book will be called Crystals!! You in the back, contain your excitement please, ahem, yes, I'm pretty excited.

The next book in the Of Monsters And Men series is called Yellow Light. Sorry too drop that cliffhanger, but I realized someway into the beginning of Six Weeks I had completely abandoned Arroyo's flight problem, so there you have it folks! Stay tuned, and thank you for reading!


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