Until I Get Home

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"You don't understand!" I yelled for twentieth time.

"I think I do" answered my father, walking swiftly ahead as I tried to catch up.

"You don't, none of you do!" I felt like tearing my feathers out.

"Then explain it too me" he asked.

I stopped dead, when I thought about trying to convince him to let me search for my sister, I didn't see that coming. I didn't even know how to begin explaining out Magyk bond. I hadn't felt anything since yesterday, but it was enough to convince she was alive, if not well.

"I... Kind of sensed her presence, it's hard to explain, but it's happened to us from time to time-"

"Zack, I know you miss your sister, we all do, but you need to consider whatever happened to you in there was just your imagination."

"But I know it was her! You've got to let me look for Zara!" I felt angry, and slightly frizzled.

Suddenly a loud yell echoed through the tunnels. My ears pricked, it was, Jay!! I leaped forward suddenly, my dad's yells chasing after me. Slamming into walls at sharp turns, I rushed to save my friend.

I gasped at what I saw, the mixture of bioluminescent moss and glowworms had been extinguished. Jay was at the very center of the room. He was string into the dark space. His eyes with their faded pupils pulsed with a mystic blue light. He was mumbling a string of words to faint for me to hear, I moved forward, then a paw shot out of nowhere and stopped me.

"He's having a vision" Sarah whispered to me.

"Is he okay?" I asked her.

"He's fine, Jay has a special connection with Glamora I've seen before!" She gasped.

He blinked suddenly and shouted out loud "It is coming! The four will return again!" Then he collapsed to the ground, eyes no longer glowing and light returning to normal.

I rushed forward to help him up, he moaned and blinked his unsettling eyes open.

"They're coming" he whispered as me and Sarah moved him to his nest. "White and Blood are coming" then his eyes shut and his breathing slowed.

"He often needs to sleep it off" explained Sarah.

"What was he talking about?" I asked "white and blood? Who are the four?"

"I'm afraid I don't know, it usually isn't clear until after it's already happened"

A loud wailing suddenly started up, screams, yells and orders to calmed down echoed through my head. I was surprised to see Rusty walk in. I hadn't seen him in forever.

"Young heir, I suggest you get somewhere safe, we're being attacked by both the Blood-claw and the White-claws at the same time" he said.

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