Dear Fred, Love Bill

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Dear Fred,

Mom told me about this idea she and Percy had about writing you a letter. According to Percy it helps to get out all your feelings or whatever. I didn't want to do it but Fleur convinced me that it might help, and she always seems to be right about these things.
I feel like I got barely any time with you, a seven year age gap can do that I guess. I left for Hogwarts when you were four and then when you came I was leaving. I hate that I got to spend no time with you and the others, I hate that we never got to have nicknames for each other and have made up games to play. I hate that our childhoods were completely different from each other's.
I wish I could have a second chance. Maybe then I wouldn't work for Gringotts, I could have worked for the Ministry instead, stayed close to home, stayed close to you. Instead I decided to be selfish and go adventuring and exploring. I remember when I would come home for Christmas, you and Ron would always look in awe at me. You all looked up to me and I didn't deserve that, I didn't deserve your love and your affection. I'm working on it though, I'm going to make myself worthy.
I'm going to be a father Freddie, twin boys. When I found out I cried for weeks, Fleur was so happy, she's convinced it's a sign. I'd like to think it was you playing a cruel trick on me, giving me twice the workload because why not. I like to think of you up there, wherever there is, bossing everyone around and making all the decisions.
I won't make any mistakes with my boys, I'm never going to leave their side. I'm quitting traveling, I've done enough. I will stay at home and take care of them. I will be strong for them and by learning to be strong for them I can be strong for the whole family. I can hold them all together Freddie I know I can, I've just got to learn how to hold myself together first.
I wanted to name one of them after you, I wanted to honor you but Fleur talked me out of that as well. Of course she was right again, I think somebody else needs to use the name Fred, and I think you know who that someone is.
I will find some other way to honor you and trust me, it will be epic. I'll love you forever baby brother

Love Bill

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