Chapter 3 - Percival's surpise

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"Leon, Gwaine, Percival, Elyan, Lancelot and Mordred can you stay behind, I would like to do discuss the morning training with you,"

Once all of the other knights had left they huddled around and got orders from the king. Arthur put a blind fold on and picked up his sword. Leon began to attack and Arthur swung his sword. The swords clashed together. Arthur knocked him over and took the blind fold off.

"We will be doing that tomorrow morning, be up at first light." Arthur spoke before leaving the grounds.

The knights walked off around the castle to the armoury, but Percival jogged off in the opposite direction into the castle the same way as Adela went.

The sound of Percival's boots echoed in the halls as he walked to one of the chambers. He swung open the door that opened into his room. He took his sword out of his belt and placed it on his four post bed that had red sheets and a red and gold canopy that hung above the bed. The colours of Camelot. He unbuckled his chainmail and took off his shirt. It was covered in mud, from training. He threw it into a basket that was filled with dirty clothes. It was almost full with shirts and trousers that he had wore in the past few days.

Knock knock

Percival hear someone at the door and called them to come in. The door opened slowly. He grabbed his sword with his right hand as it hung on his belt.

"Who is it?" he asked.

The clicking of heels slowly moved into the room, he saw the bottom of a baby blue dress that slowly came in. Percival followed the outline of the dress up to the face of the girl coming into his chamber. Her hair was over to one side, which cured down to the tips. Small blue flowers sat in the blonde curls. Percival's jaw dropped as she completely came into view.

He let go of the sword as he watch her slowly come to him. She closed the big heavy door behind her and walked over to Percival. He was starstruck. She looked up into his eyes as she got closer.

"You look beautiful, my lady," He said as he rose his chin and looked down at her with a cheeky smile.

"Thank you, Sir Percival, and I say you look very good without your shirt on," She replied and rose an eyebrow then giggled.

He leaned down to her slowly as she placed her hands onto his chest, pushed up onto her tiptoes and kissed him sweetly on the lips. Percival wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her back. Once they broke apart he pulled her into a warm hug. He kissed the top of her head then rested his chin. Adela closed her eyes and rested her head on his warm chest. They stood they for a moment.

"Let me put a clean shirt on and we will walk down to the stables," he asked.

"Okay," she replied.

They pulled away from each other, Percival grabbed a shirt from the old wooden cupboard that sat in the corner of the chamber. He turned to see Adela looking out of the window in a daze. Percival slowly walked over to her and took her hand in his.

"Ready," he asked quickly.

"Yeah," she whispered in reply.

They both walked out of the chamber and out the castle. They followed the road that lead to the royal stables. Once they got there Percival went into the stables and tacked up two horses that they would be riding out on. He first tacked up a pure white horse that had silver like hair that flowed down its neck. Then a midnight black horse which had a pure black mane.

Adela walked into the stable and over to the white horse, it was her first horses that she ever got to herself. Before she was riding out on her fathers horses. Percival wrapped his hands around her waist and lifted her up onto the horse. She was now sat in the saddle ready to ride out. Percival got onto the tall black horse and began to walk it out the stable.

They both rode the horses down to the gatehouse before going out along a dirt path that lead into the forest. They looked at eachother and giggled. Adela turned into a race to the forest as she galloped as fast as her horse could go. They carried on galloping through the trees of the Ascetir forest, before they came to a river.


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