Chapter 18 - The Extra Big Announcement

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They rode back to the Citadel square where four stable hands waited to take the horses. They all raced into the square, the girls ahead of the two tall knights, leaping off them once the horses went from gallop to halt in less than three seconds flat. Percival ran up behind Adela, as well as Leon did Nyx, picking them up bridal style and carrying them into the castle. Adela and Nyx were both girly screaming and laughing with their hair floating in the air.

Merlin came down the corridor towards the two couples, and looked at them confused as to what they were doing. He grinned and walked passed them walking down the corridor.

"Oh, Merlin. don't tell me father this, but we have big news for tonight's dinner," Adela shouted over to Merlin. He nodded and smiled before jogging off down the corridor.


That night in the council chamber, a feast was prepared for the King, queen, lady Adelaide and six closest knights to the King sat at a long table. Merlin and Nyx stood at the side with silver jugs of wine. The King and queen sat at the head of the table, with the knights and Adela Don the sides.

"Me and Percival have some news," Leon spoke out.

"It involves both Lady Adela and Nyx," Percival continued.

"We have asked them to be our wife's," Leon finished. Nyx walked over and rested her hands on Leon's shoulders. Percival put his hand over Adela's and smiled to her as she smiled back.

"To Percival and Adela, To Leon and Nyx," Elyan shouted as he rose his glass to them, the other knights and Gwen, repeated and rose there glasses.

But Arthur, he sat back in his seat looking over at his daughter with concern.

"Arthur, are you okay?" Gwen asked him holding his hand.

"Yes, fine,"



Arthur looked at his queen and faked a smile before turning back to table full of knights. They were all laughing and talking to each other. Even Merlin was smiling and joining in. Nyx was now sat on Leon's lap with his arms wrapped around her and his chin rested on her shoulder. Percival had moved Adela's chair closer to his and swung his arm around her pulling her in close. He kissed her head and talked to her before laughing at Elyan and Mordred. Adela turned and saw that Arthur was back in his chair and deep in thoughts.

"Father, can you be at least happy for us?" She questioned.

"I am, it is just a bit of a surprise to me, that's all," He replied. Gwaine came round the table and gave Adela a kiss on the cheek, he then walked over to Nyx.

"You better look after my Leon," He winked before giving her a hug.

"Sire, we are going to retire," Lancelot said before walking out with Gwaine and Elyan.

"Mordred, would you give me a minute to speak with them," Arthur spoke out. Mordred got up and bowed before walking out the room and off to his chamber.

"Are you all sure you want to do this?" Arthur began.

"Father, I have always loved Percival and no matter what, I will marry him," Adela answered, Percival smiled and wrapped his arm around her tighter with happiness.

"What about you Leon?" Arthur asked.

"Yes. She maybe Adela's handmaid, but I still love her," Leon replied.

"Okay, you may go," Arthur finished.

Leon took Nyx hand and lead her out the room. Percival wrapped his arms around Adela's waist and lifted her out the room.


The tavern was full of noise and laughter, it could be heard miles away. In the centre of the bar the knights, Adela and Nyx sat with tankards of mead surrounding them.

"Another round!" Gwaine shouted at the top of his voice to the bartender. They all cheered once the tankards were placed in front of them.

"To the lovebirds!" Gwaine shouted out getting more drunk as usual. Mordred, Elyan and Lancelot rose their tankards to the two couples and drank the mead.

"Bet you can't down the mead, Adela," Mordred said trying not to laugh.

"How much are you betting," She rose her eyebrows and laughed.

"50 gold coins," he replied.

She smiled while lifting her tankards. She rose it to her lips and pushed it up, letting the mead enter her mouth. All the knights and Nyx watched as she attempted to down the mead. Once she had finished, she slammed the tankard down on the table and through her hands in the air. cheered getting more and more drunk.

All of them had drowned at least one tankard of mead. But for Gwaine it meant at least ten. It had turned midnight and Gwaine looked like he was going to pass out, the girls stumbled around the table made straddled their husbands to be. Elyan and Lancelot were getting another round of mead. Mordred was flirting with a young women a couple of tables away from theirs. After a while, once they all finished Percival and Leon were the only two that could walk almost in a straight line. By that time Gwaine could not walk without falling over and was being helped up to the castle by Leon and Percival. Lancelot and Elyan, helped Mordred, but he was able to walk a bit then fall over.

Adela and Nyx stumbled arms linked ahead of the knights up to the Citadel. They reached the square and four guards took Gwaine and Mordred from them and took them to their chambers, and before the girls laughter to hard and fell over and hitting their head off the cobblestone ground, Percival and Leon caught them and lifted them up.

"Remember training in the morning," Leon laughed.

"I won't," Percival replied and then ran up a set of stairs up into the castle. Leon turned around with Nyx in his arms she was giggling to herself pushing her fingers through his hair. He stopped before entering the castle and kissed her lips. Then finally entered the castle and taking Nyx to their chamber.


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