Chapter 8 - "Everthing Will Be Alright"

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Nixie lay on the cold floor asleep. All she had was her cloak and a little sprinkle of straw. The sunlight burst through the small thin window. Slowly she woke from her uncomfortable sleep. She heard heavy footsteps behind her, and a loud clunk of a key turning in the lock.

Footsteps got louder as they came into the cell. She lay still.

"Wake up," A loud voice came. Nixie rose her head and stood up slowly. Nixie turned to find the face of her uncle looking down at her. "Is this a magic trick, how can you look the same as my daughter," He began to get angry. She looked up and saw Gwaine and Mordred stood behind looking curious.

"I am Gaheris's Daughter, Nixie," she spoke quietly. Arthur still looked angry, and a bit surprised. She took a step back and looked back down at the ground.

"Adela's mother's Brother, you really want me to believe this," He questioned.

"Yes, I do," Nixie answered the King, looking up the him.

"One thing. Gaheris's Daughter never had magic," he rose an eyebrow.

"I didn't know I had magic, I only felt like I did when I was in the training grounds and in the castle yesterday," Nixie replied looking very scared to what would happen next. "I don't know what's happening to me,"

The king smirked and turned to leave. "Adela was the one who knocked me out, but it was not with any weapon," Nixie finally said before Arthur had left. He stood in the cell doorway and looked behind him.

"What do you mean," He said a bit more calmly, worried about his daughter more than anything else.

Nixie walked over to him and whispered into his ear, "She too has magic," Before sitting down on a bench in the corner of the cell.

He closed his eyes in the shock of what he had heard. He half turned to Nixie.
"Are you sure?..why should I believe you? He asked unsure.
"Would she not be hear with you otherwise?"Arthur's eyes widened before closing the cell door and walking up out of the dungeons and through the castle corridors.


Nyx walked along the corridor towards Adela's Chamber and pulled open the door. She lay her lady's breakfast out on the huge oak table, and filled a silver goblet with water. Nyx walked over to a large wardrobe filled with clothes. She took out a white baggy shirt, a pair of brown trousers and her brown leather boots. Adela's sword and chain main lay on the floor beside the wardrobe, so Nyx picked it up and lay it out on a nearby bench ready to put on Adela.

She walked across the room and peered around the corner of an archway that lead into a space where her bed hid. Adela was asleep with a very tired looking Percival watching over her. He rose his head to see Nyx, he smiled over and turned his attention back to his princess. Nyx turned around in a daydream leaving Adela to sleep, but was snapped out of it when an angry Arthur, swung the door wide open and storms in.

"WHERE IS SHE!" He shouted over to Nyx.

"Still sleeping, My Lord," Nyx replied bowing her head before moving out of his way.

Percival appeared next to the pillars next to the bed.
"Arthur, she's been up most the night let her sleep," Percival asked holding his hands up.

"ADELAIDE, WAKE UP," he continued to shout, pushing past the knight. She opened her eyes at the sound of his voice, and turned to face him.

"oh, father, I though training was cancelled?" Adela asked.

"NO, YOU HAVE MAGIC? WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME THIS?" Arthur began. Adela jumped back with tears in her eyes.

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