Chapter 19 - "I Have Saved You For A Reason,"

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The guards walked into a small cell, where a small figure lay down still as stone, Nixie slowly sat up and turned to the guards.

"I suppose that the great king wants to see me,"She spoke out smugly. The guards picked her up and dragged her out the cell up to the throne room.

Where the King waited to sentence her. The doors flew open and the guards pushed Nixie to her knees in front of the King. one of them pulled her hood down to reveal her face. 

The court gasped at the sight. Her hair was brown, yet her face. Her face was in the same form as Adela's. Same eyes, same nose, same everything, except for the hair. Adela's eyes widened. She was confused as to why she was the same.

"You are sentenced to death for the crime of sorcery," Arthur sentenced.

"Yet, I am not the only one in this room with magic," Nixie replied looking up at the King with disgust.

"Who?" Arthur asked out of curiosity.

"She is extremely close to you," Nixie replied.

"A name, I need a name," The king demanded.

"The Lady..." Nixie said turning her head to the one she was accusing, "Adelaide," Everyone looked confused at her, the knights shook their heads.

"No, she doesn't have magic! I have already discussed this matter," Arthur shouted out to Nixie. Adela was taken back by it. She knew she had magic by didn't want to say anything. Tears filled her eyes, but she held them back. 

"You will be executed at dawn," the King declared. Nixie bowed her head before being taken back to the cell by the two guards.

Percival ran over to his future wife. He knelt down in front of her, putting his hands on her legs, he looked up at her with worry. She looked directly in front of her, looking at nothing. She felt a warm hand wipe across her cheek, as a tear fell from her saddened eye. 

"Take her to her chamber," Arthur instructed Percival.

"Yes, Sire," he replied nodding his head.

Leon took Nyx's hand and sneaked out the room and ran up to their chamber, before the afternoon training session.


Leon guided the giggling Nyx into their chambers and closed the door with his foot still holding onto Nyx with both hands, she spun round in his arms and stroked the scar on his cheekbone softly as he leaned in and nuzzled her neck , she giggled and tried to push him off watching him laugh at her lack of strength from being slightly drunk .

He leaned down and captured her lips in a kiss sweetly , Nyx wrapped her arms around his neck as he backed her up against the stone pillar in the corner on the room and deepened the kiss .

She jumped and wrapped her legs round his waist as he carried her over to the bed and laid her down straddling her with his knees either side of her waist . she lay there smiling with her fiery red hair cascading down her shoulders and fanning across the bed covers.

She leaned up and caught his lips in a simple peck then leant back again blushing lightly. Leon stroked her cheek feeling it heat up slightly as he whispered.

" I love you Nyx"

she smiled at him and whispered back " I love you too Sir Leon"

He pulled his shirt off and threw it on the ground as Nyx took off her dress , he kissed her again as he pulled off his boots and trousers then lay back down on the bed and pulled Nyx onto him. She leant down on her elbows and stared at him questioningly

" Shall we...." she said quietly. Leon shook his hair out of his face and grinned then sat up and snaked his arms around her waist and pulled her onto his lap so that she had her legs either side of his waist .

" Tell me if I hurt you " he whispered nervously as he kissed her and they started . She tensed up slightly in Leon's arms but relaxed after a while and twisted her hands through his hair and pulled him closer in a kiss. After an hour they stopped and rested their foreheads together as they caught their breath.

" You have training the afternoon, Leon, I think we should get some sleep " Nyx whispered to him as he entwined their hands with the rings on them and held them up looking at them happily. He pulled her down and tucked her into his side and held their hands above the covers as Nyx fell asleep, he kissed her forehead and felt himself drift off as well.


The square was filled with the city's people, to come and see yet another sorceress killed for magic.

The drums echoed loud in the between the walls. From one side of the square, two guards dragged the girl who's hair covered her face. They through her up the steps to the executioner to await her fate.

"Do you have any last words Nixie," The King shouted down to her from one of the balconies.

"I thought coming here would be nicer, but obviously not,"She began, while the executioner placed a rope around her neck, "I thought you would be nicer to me as I am your niece," The King nodded his head to the executioner, who would put her to death.

As soon as she was left to dangle to death, the rope snapped and a whirl of wind circled around her. As soon as it had disappeared Nixie had too. The people gasped in shock and horror. The guards pushed them out the square to try and resume day life as normal. The King turned his head side to side looking at the knights with worry. Anyone could have helped her.

The King looked over the wall watching the people move out the square, she could have done it as she didn't want to die. 

"Father, what if it was Morgana?" The voice of his daughter came up beside him. He felt Adela lay her head on his shoulder. 

"I am not sure who it was, it could have been anyone," He replied placing a hand on her head.


"Rest, you will need your strength," A voice came from the blackness of the woods. The wind curved round the trees, making leaves dance off the branches.

Nixie opened her eyes looking around trying to find the figure of the voice. She slowly sat up and turned and looked over to a tree that hid behind a blacked out shadow.

"I have saved you for a reason, one reason alone," The voice came again, " To help bring down Camelot, to help kill the King, his queen and his beloved daughter,"

An evil laugh now came from through the trees slowly disappearing till, Nixie was left alone in the silence of the forest.


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