Chapter 20 - Plans Good And Evil

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Nixie woke on the cold floor of the forest. Nobody was in sight, just tree after tree. She stood up slowly looking around to see if anyone was there. Still no one. She froze, Nixie hear a twig snapping behind her.

"I see you are recovered now," The voice spoke. It was the same voice from the darkness. Nixie spun to see a young women in a black waist tight dress and black hooded cloak.

"Come we have much to discuss," She spoke again. Nixie nodded and followed the black figure. She lead her to a small hut. The figure walked in the hut and took off her cloak, to reveal her long tangled black hair and pale skin.

"Come in, please," She offered. Nixie walked in the hut and sat at a small wooden table.

"What is your name?" Nixie asked.

"Morgana, and I know you are Nixie. The one Arthur despises," She replied.

"You got the right," Nixie smirked. Morgana smirked back.

"Now I need your help to bring down the kingdom of Camelot, are you going to be useful or will I just kill you in know?" Morgana questioned.

"I will be useful. The kingdom means nothing to me any more," Nixie replied.

"Good. But first we need to get rid of Arthur's daughter Adelaide, if we kill Arthur she will just take over the kingdom, and we will be back at the start again," Morgana spoke. Nixie nodded.

"But she has magic, she will be able to stop use," Nixie said to Morgana.

"Does she now. She is no match to me, I am a high priestess of the old religion, nobody can hurt me," Morgana replied.

Nixie smirked. They both planned how they would ambush the castle with help from Cenred's army, they were going to take Camelot from Arthur.


"Nyx, what do you think, white and pink or white and blue," Adela asked looking at the stall full of flowers. Adela held two bunches of roses in her hands for Nyx to help choose.

They both were wearing long royal dresses. Nyx was now a lady of Camelot, she was helping Adela get all the preparations for the weddings. Nyx was wanting a little quiet wedding in the woods, and Adela was to have a large wedding in the castle. 

"White and blue, the blue brings out your eyes," She giggled. Adela laughed and put them back. She asked the florists to take blue and white flowers up to the castle on the morning of the wedding and two bunched one blue and white roses and one pink and white roses for them to carry down the aisle.

She paid them and walked down to the seamstress to get wedding dresses fitted.

They walked into the small wooden shop to find two dresses made. Giant grins appeared on their faces. Two long white dresses made to perfection. Adela's was tight at the waist and puffed out floating to the floor with small parts of baby blue.

Nyx's was the same but with small parts of pink. They both tried them one and came out from behind the screens. The backs of them dragged behind making the floor disappear.

The girls smiled and giggled with delight and paid the seamstress for her beautiful work. Adela sent for two servants to collect both dresses and take them to her chamber.

"Now we need to get Leon's and Percival's cloaks from the tailors," Nyx reminded Adela.

"Oh yeah," She smiled and they bounced down to the tailors. They walked in to see a old man standing at a counter. Nyx asked for the Cloaks before giving him the money and getting them passed to her gently.

"Thank you," The Girls both said in sync before walking out the shop and back up to the castle.

"Okay, you take Leon's to get him to try it on later with his ceremonial armour and I will do the same with Percival," Adela said.

"Yeah," Nyx replied giggling as they walked through the gate house and back into the castle square. They both walked up to Adela's Chamber so that Nyx could get her wedding dress and take it to her chamber.

"So are we ready for the wedding?" Nyx asked.

"I think so, just need to keep calm," Adela replied, giggling.

"What are you two laughing at?" Percival asked coming into the chamber.

"Nothing," They both said.

"Oh, by the way, Leon is looking for you," Percival said to Nyx, before she belted it out the room. Adela and Percival laughed as they watched Nyx run out the room.

"Now that I have you alone for a moment," Percival cheekily said to his future wife, "I can kiss you, you woke up very early this morning,"

Adela ran over to Percival and jumped up at him wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs round his waist.

She pressed her lips to him passionately deepening the kiss. He placed his hands on her back pulling her in close.

He walked over to the bed with Adela wrapped around him and sat down with Adela now on his lap, still passionately kissing him.


"We have to get Arthur down to the tavern for Leon and Percival's Last night of being free men," Gwaine said to Mordred as they walked through the castle. That moment Arthur came down the corridor, still looking shocked from the news about Adela and Percival.

"Sire, you should come down to the tavern with us, it would mean a lot to Leon and Percival," Mordred asked the King.

"Maybe, I am not sure yet," He replied sounding tired. Mordred and Gwaine bowed before walking off.

"Mordred, you are right, I will meet you down there," Arthur shouted down the corridor, half smiling. Both the knights smiled slightly, nodding before continuing with their duties.

The King slowly made his way to the hall where lots of servants began to get the room prepared for the wedding. Stone pots stood in two straight lines on the out side of a long red walk way for the two brides to walk down. The pots were not yet filled with flowers but we're ready for when they did.

"My Lord, will this be enough for your daughters wedding?" One servant asked coming up to him.

"Yes, it looks great," the King smiled, slowly feeling some happiness for his daughter. The servant bowed to him before walking out the room.

Arthur turned looking at the sight of where his daughter was to be married, before slowly backing out the room.


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