Chapter 4 - Another Is Found.

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The two horses grounded to stop as Percival and Adela looked out over the river. The water flowed at a steady pace and reflected the trees around it. Percival turned his horses around to walk along the side of the river. Adela turned her horses along side Percival's and walked along the path. It was along side the river was covered in green grass. 

"The last time I came here I was a little girl," Adela began, " I remember that my father took me out on my first ride on two of his horses. He told me stories of my mother while we walked along the woodland paths." she giggled with a tear in her eye.
Percival turned his head and listened to her. He knew how she felt -his father died when he was a baby and never knew him.
Adela's mother went missing just days before she was born, and then was found in a cave with deep wounds and barely a breath in her lungs, cradling a little baby. Adela turned and smiled at him.
Percival was worried and didn't want to upset her, but he smiled back anyway. Percival love to spend time with her, it was like gold to him.

The path curved back into the forest, the path began to narrow. Percival lead and Adela followed close behind. As they wandered through the trees they came to an open space. Percival jumped off of him horses and tied him to a thick branch. He then walked over to Adela who was confused on why they were there. He tied her horses to another thick branch and moved to the side of Adela. 

"Ready for your surprise, lady Adelaide," Percival smiled up at her. 

"Yes I am, sir knight," she smiled back, "And you know I don't like being called Adelaide." Percival laughed and picked her up wedding style.
"I know, but it's a beautiful name,"
He carried her behind a large tree. Blankets and pillows were layed out with silver dishes of fruits prepared by the royal kitchens. Percival lay her down on one of the blankets onto her back. She smiled at him and he smiled back.
"This is amazing, thank you," she said sweetly, he kissed her pink lips and Adela deepened it as she rolled over onto Percival. 

Once they broke apart Adela reached over to one of the dishes a picked up a grape and placed it in Percival's mouth, she rested her elbow on his chest and looked deep into his eyes. 

"You are really beautiful, Adela," Percival said smiling at her. 

"Not as beautiful as other lady's of the court," she replied looking down. 

"Don't ever say that. You are beautiful and I just need you to see it," he said as he raised her chin and looked into her eyes, " don't let anyone tell you otherwise,"

They both smiled and Percival kissed her once more. Percival took a plate of strawberries in his hand and passed it to Adela as they ate some fruit, before heading back to Camelot.


*At the Citadel*

"Sir Leon, you and Gwaine lead the patrol out as Percival is not here," Arthur ordered. 

"Yes, my Lord," he replied, "where is Percival? I don't know how much more Gwaine I can take today."

"He asked for the afternoon, I assume he's with my daughter," Arthur replied rolling his eyes before looking back at his papers.

Sir Leon bowed his head and proceeded to walking out of the council chamber and out to the coble stone square. 

Gwaine was sat on a horses waiting to leave the city.

"Leon, I thought it was Percival leading the patrol?" Gwaine questions. 

"Percival is not here, he's out impressing the princess." Leon raised his eyebrows and laughed.

"Oh, well, lets go," Gwaine grumped as he begin to gallop out the square.

Four soldiers plus Sir Gwaine and Sir Leon galloped through the woods to the east of Camelot. The thudding sound of the horses feet galloping down the woodland paths echoed through the trees. 

The patrol slowed down to a walk as the forest got thicker. But there was no noise. No wind. Just silence. Sir Leon grounded his horse to a halt and stopped the rest of the patrol.

Leon jumped off of his horse and pulled his sword from his saddle.

"Gwaine, your with me," He whispered. He pointed two soldiers to go around to where he was going from the west, and the other two from the east. 

There was movement in a tall bush only meters away from them. Gwaine and Leon both took of their red cloaks and placed them on the saddles of their horses. 

They both quickly ran to two trees on either side of the bush, and leaned down. Leon looked over at Gwaine and nodded ... one... two... three.

They both jumped through the bush and pointed their swords at a small figure.

"Who are you?" Gwaine shouted. 

"Please, please don't hurt me," a high pitched voice replied. The hooded figure was sitting on the ground on top of a blanket.

Leon reached and pulled the hood of the figure down. His mouth dropped. 

It was a girl, which had long hair the colour of fire, that shined in the sunlight. 

"Why are you out here alone," Leon asked, "are you lost?"

She turned to face him, she looked up to his green eyes and dirty blonde hair. "I was hunting, then i got lost last night, I spent the night in here. I will be able to find my way you know," 

"Well I am sure you will but we are going to take you back to Camelot anyway," Leon smiled down at her, "what is your name, my lady," 

"It is Nyx, but I am not going there with you." She replied, as she stood up getting ready to leave.

"Sorry, but we need to," Gwaine spoke.

"No, you can't make me," Nyx said as she spun round and hit Gwaine square in the face, before trying to run off.

"You will pay for that!" Gwaine shouted in pain as he got angrier by the second. 

Leon grabbed her arms and pulled them behind her and dragged her to his horse. Gwaine stormed up to them and held onto Nyx tighter than Leon. 

Leon got on his horse and ready to have Nyx on his lap for the journey back to the walls of Camelot. Gwaine pickes her up by the waist and through her onto Leon's lap. He slowly walked over to his horses and hit Leon's horse on the way past. It leaped in the air almost throwing Nyx and Leon off.

Gwaine smirked and jumped on his horses and made their way back to Camelot.

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