Chapter 22 - The Day Everyone Has Been Waiting For

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Dark clouds. Evil faces. Blackness. Then, nothing. The path was darkened out. Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide. It was coming. The darkness. It was coming.

"No one can help you now," Evil voices echoed. "Not even your dear, dear husband, your dear king," The voices screamed through the darkness. No light. No help. Just nothing. No colour, just black. Feelings as if ghosts are going to get you.

The feeling you are being watched. Keep you eyes closed. You may see your fears. You may see you nightmares come to life, before your eyes. Shapes in the air. You can't escape. Trapped. Trapped inside horror. Alone. Scared. Where is help. Where is the one you love. Gone. The face. The face of the women that scares all. The face that haunts you. Just appearing.

"AAAAAAHHHHH! PERCIVAL! PERCIVAL!" Adela screamed waking from the nightmare that haunted her. The room was empty. Nobody around. She took deep breathes sitting up right.

She jumped from the bed to the floor, running out the room. She ran along the corridors of the castle around the her father's chamber. She burst through the door to see him waking from the sound of the doors flying open.

"Adela, quieten.. What is wrong?" Arthur said beginning to sober up. Her eyes were puffy with tears falling from her eyes. "Come here," She walked over to her father's side of the bed and lay beside him.

"Everything will be fine. I will walk you down the aisle and you will make me prouder than I can ever be," Arthur whispered to her as she drifted into a sleep.

Arthur rested his head back looking down at his daughter remembering when she was a little girl having nightmares and curling into a ball and sleep beside him. He smiled before going back to sleep.


The city bell rung as it's people prepared for the wedding celebrations. Flags were hung in the streets, with performers and music ringing through the alleyways.

Nyx rolled out of one side of her bed slowly, and walking over to one of the wooden wardrobe, she pulled out a red ceremonial dress, resting it on her arm before she walked out the chamber door and through the Citadel's corridors towards Adela's Chamber to get ready.

Nyx came into the room to find Adela leaning far out one of her chamber windows talking to someone. She walked over and too leaned out of the window to find that Leon and Percival looking up at them two stories down.

The guards who were walking to their position outside the council chamber. Adela shouted down to them, "Run the guards are coming," Both knights stuck their tongues, before running away into the castle to prepare themselves for the wedding.

"Well that was interesting," Nyx said walking over to her dress where she lay it on the bed. Adela giggled while she closed the window spinning around landing on her bed. Two handmaids walked in ready to get the girls changed into their dresses for the wedding.


Merlin walked the guests into the large hall ready for when Arthur lead his daughter down the aisle.

The stone pots were filled with blue and white flowers over filling and dangling down the sides, it truly was a beautiful sight. The guests filled the chamber with the knights of the round table at the front of the hall.

Once all the guests were in the hall Merlin came over to Arthur. Percival came down the stairway in his ceremonial armour and long red cloak baring the crest of Camelot of the left shoulder.

"Sir Percival, you better look after my daughter," Arthur told the tall knight.

"You have my word Arthur, I love Adela with all my heart," he replied, shaking his kings hand.

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