Chapter 17 - The Unexpected Question, Twice

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Adela rose head her off of Percival's bare chest and sat up smiling down at him, watching him sleep. He was peaceful when he slept, making no sound. Her finger tips ran down his face stopping at his cheek. She leaned down and kissed his forehead, She had him back, nobody could break them apart. She turned and slowly pulled the covers off of her, but was stopped when two very muscular arms wrapped round her waist and puled her in close.

"Trying to leave me again, now are we," The deep morning voice of Percival came from over her shoulder.

"No. I needed to get changed," Adela replied.

"Make sure you put something nice on, we are going for a ride later," Percival spoke a bit more quietly.

"I always have something nice on," She smiled as she turned to face him, she was only millimetres away from his face, his blue eyes lit up and his lips curled into his smile. Adela pressed her lips to his, as he deeped the kiss.


The broke apart when they heard the knock on the door, Adela walked over the cold floor in bare feet and opened the door to find Nyx standing with Leon's arms around her.

"Are you needing help to get ready, before we go out on the ride?" Nyx asked.

"Yes, please," Adela replied and waked over to her wardrobe and chose what to wear. Percival walked over to Leon and began whispering to Leon, "They must be planning something," Adela said to Nyx, who was wearing a green ankle length dress. Her red, straight hair, fell down her back to about halfway. Nyx came out from behind the screen and walked over to the two knights and waited for Lady Adelaide to finish.

Moments later Adela came out from behind the screen, in a blue dress that covered her toes and dragged behind her. Her blonde curls fell to her hips, like little springs. Percival smiled and walked over to her. He lifted his arm up, holding it out to her. Adela wrapped her one arm around it and used the other one to lift her skirt.


The four of them walked down into the square where four horses were tacked up ready to eave the castle. They jumped on the horses and galloped out of the citadel. The sun shone through the branches and leaves of the trees that covered their heads. Adela and Percival rode together, and Leon and Nyx rode behind them. They all slowed to a walk as they got closer to a small clearing that was laid with blankets, pillows and silver dishes with fruits.

Percival and Leon jumped of their horses, and walked to the side of Adela and Nyx's horses to help them off and them over to the blankets. Leon put his arm around Nyx while leaning against a tall tree while eating a dish of grapes. To the side Adela and Percival lay of their fronts eating a dish of strawberries. He put him arms around her as she burried into his chest. Leon turned and faced Percival and nodded. Adela looked confused over to Leon, as well as Nyx. Leon got up and took Nyx's hand.

He walked round the trees and deeper into the forest.

"Percival are you going to tell what is happening?" Adela looked up at his demanding an answer.

"Well.. em... thing is...." Percival stuttered.

"Percival, please tell me," Adela said looking into him eyes.

"Well... Me and Leon made a deal that I would ask you to marry me, if he found the right person to love and also marry so we decide we would take you out and ask and..." Percival spoke as fast as he could.

Adela looked at him with amazement. "Wait, you want me to marry you?" She said slowly.

"Yes," Percival answered as his cheeks went pink. Adela wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. He kissed her nose and rested his forehead on hers. She pressed her lips against his as they went into a deep kiss.

Once they broke apart Percival reached down into the pocket of his beige trousers and pulled out a pure silver ring, with a little diamond.

"So do you want to marry me?" He asked properly.

"Yes, with all my heart," She smiled with tears of happiness filling her eyes. He took her left hand and placed the ring on her second finger. She kissed Percival again but the kiss lasted so much longer.


In the trees deep in the forest, Leon stopped with his hand entwined with Nyx's. He spun around and looked in her eyes. His green eyes were alight. Nyx pecked him on the lips. She looked confused at what he was doing.

"Why are we here, Leon?" Nyx asked.

"Getting some privacy, so I can ask you something," Leon replied looking down at Nyx, "Something I hope you say yes to,"

"What? Please just say it?" Nyx begged smiling at him.

"Will.. em... be my ... wife?" Leon spoke out  before closing his eyes. He heard no reply just someone's hands brushing through his hair and lips attach to his.

"I take it, it is a yes then," He asked through the kiss. Nyx broke away from his and looked up with a smile.

"Yes, I love you, of course I will," She smiled. He to had a silver ring in his pocket and placed it on her finger, and kissing her once last time before they walked back to the clearing.


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