Chapter 11 - Like Father, Like Daughter

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The King stood looking out onto the city, and watching Adela walk out to the training ground. Targets were set out at different distances and heights.

"Arthur is something troubling you," Gwen's voice came from the side him. Arthur turned to see her standing next to him also looking out the window.

"I am just getting worried about Adelaide, she doesn't seem herself," Arthur told her, "Gwen, what do I do?"

"Talk to her, be her father, not just her king," Gwen told him, "you could start by helping her with training," Gwen rose her eyebrows and smiled. She kissed Arthur on the cheek and pushed him gently in the direction of the training grounds. Gwen turned back to look out the window to watch them outside.


Nyx walked over to Adela with the arrows in her hand, she pushed them into the ground for Adela to fire at the targets. Adela picked up one of the arrows and put it into the bow ready to fire, she pulled it back to her cheek and focused at the target the was straight in front of her.

She let the arrow go and fly towards the target, it was not the best of shoots. She sighed and passed the bow to Nyx.

"You take a shot," Adela said, she took the bow and took a shot, she eyed up the target. She let the arrow go and hit the target straight in the middle. Adela smiled.

"Good shot, You just need to lower you arm, and don't tense up," Adela commented on the shot. Nyx nodded and passed her back the bow. Adela took another shot and got closer to the centre.

"Adela, you need to focus on the target more," A deep voice came from behind. She turned to see father came out of the castle and into the training ground with his bow, but not in his armour, he wore his white shirt and brown trousers.

"Father, what are you doing here?" She questioned. He smiled.

"What does it look like, I am training with my daughter, I am allowed to do it," He smiled and stuck out his tongue.

"Nyx, you are excused, thank you," Adela said as she smiled. Nyx bowed and walked back to the castle.

"Merlin, go get us more arrows," Arthur ordered.

"thank you Merlin," Adela added to Arthur's last words.

Arthur grabbed one of the arrows that was still in the ground and fired it up into a target in a nearby tree. Adela watched him fire and hitting it square in the centre. Adela picked up a arrow and pulled it back and shot at a target behind a bush but was slightly of centre.

"Don't worry, you will get better," Arthur said.

"I normally get it dead centre," Adela replied.

"You just have things on your mind," Arthur said looking down at his daughter. She smiled up at him. Her eyes fell to the ground and she wrapped her arms around her father. He to wrapped his arms around her. Arthur smiled and kissed the top of her head.

"What's on your mind," Arthur asked her.

"I'm worried about Percival, I hope he's going to be okay," Adela replied letting her father go and picking up another arrow.

"Percival is the strongest person I know, he's not getting taken out by anyone anytime soon,"

He watched as she let the arrow go, it flew through the air and hit the target dead centre.

"You are going to ride in the tournament, Adela" Arthur began, "If you are wanting to still do it anyway." Adela turned abruptly.

"Really?" Adela asked with joy.

"Yes, I am not. You are to now take my place. Like I did for my father," Arthur told her.

"Yes. Of course I want to," Adela said as her voice got louder. Arthur smiled and picked her up and spun her around in the air like he did when she was a little girl. "But am I ready?"

"I wouldn't be entering you if I didn't think you were ready!"


Nyx walked in a daydream leaving the world behind as she walked to her chamber.

"Hello, Nyx," Merlin said as he walked past, there was no reply, "Nyx are you okay," He looked over his shoulder to see her slowly turn her head.

"Oh, hello Merlin, I didn't see you," Nyx giggled.

"How are you after the whole 'training' thing," He asked.

"A lot better than I was, let's just say," She replied, "thank you."

"I was checking up on Leon for Gaius. He is going to make a full recovery," Merlin told her, "He asked where you were, I told him you were with Adela,"

"Thank you Merlin, I will go see him," Nyx smiled before walking up a set of stairs onto the corridor that lead towards Leon's chamber. Nyx walked into the room, to see Leon sitting in a chair looking into the fireplace that was lit, most likely by Merlin. She pulled a chair over towards his and Sat next to him. Leon turned his head to see her and smiled. Nyx took his hand in hers and leaned in to kiss him. He to learn in and kissed her sweetly on the lips. She looked up at him and smiled.

"Are you still in a lot of pain?" Nyx asked.

"Not as much now, you gives strength," Leon replied, "Can you help me over to the bed," She got up and swung his arm over her shoulder and helped him walk over to the bed and lay him down.

"Nyx lie down with me, please," Leon pleaded and smiled. She rolled her eyes joking around with him and walked round the bed and lay next to him. Leon reached his arms around her and pulled her in close. She snuggled up to him and closed her eyes. She slowly drifted off to sleep. Leon smiled and found himself also falling asleep.


Merlin walked along the corridor into Adela's Chamber to find that Percival was still on the bed, and not awake. He looked at his side to that there was still big bruises.
Percival moved his head to the side and slowly opened his eyes. He rose his head in confusion.

"Merlin, why am I in here? I am meant to be training down in the arena?' Percival questioned.

"You and Leon both got injured and fell off you horses. Gaius needed to treat you,' Merlin explained. Percival pushed the sheets off of him and attempted to get it of the bed. Pain over came him and he fell back into the bed, Merlin helped him back in.

"You need to rest," Merlin told him and left him to rest, he walked out of the room and right into Adela.

"Lady Adelaide, I'm so sorry," Merlin apologized and help her up from the stone floor. "I am happy to tell you, Sir Percival has just woke, he is still in a lot of pain, but is awake," Adela's face glowed with delight.

"Thank you Merlin," Adela said giving merlin a big hug. Merlin smiled and watched as she ran into the room and over to Percival. She stopped and looked over onto the bed. He was looking out of one of the Windows, in boredom. He turned his head and saw her standing in front of him. A smile grew on both their faces. Adela ran to the other side of the bed and jumped up onto it. She leaned down to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I promised you would be fine," Adela whispered in his ear. Then moved her lips over his and kissed him gradually making it deeper. Percival was satisfied and was thankful that Adela was with him and it wasn't Gwaine, as he would be asking when he would next be able to go to the tavern. They broke apart and Percival pulled her in to hug her. Adela rested her head on his chest.

"I promised you after I first kissed you that I would never leave you," Percival began, "and I still am true to my word, I will always be here for you. No matter what happens," Gently he kissed the top of her head and pulled his fingertips through her long curled hair.


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