Chapter 11

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Hermione's PoV
The exchange students are weird. First they give me that note, then one of them makes the ghosts cry and can touch ghosts. Plus, I'm sure I know the name di Angelo. It didn't occur to me the first time I heard it, but when that Nico kid hugged that ghost, the name reminded me of something. I was going to do some research in the Library after asking them questions. Harry and Ron think that they are death eaters. That's possible, no I have a feeling that they are not evil. I feel like I belong with them, for whatever reason.

"So, Mione, what do you think about those exchange students?" Asked Ron.

"Don't call me Mione" I muttered.

I didn't want to talk about the note. It didn't feel... right.

"They have to be Death Eaters" said Harry "Do you feel that vibe that that goth kid gives off? He's all in black and looks creepy. And he can touch ghosts and they call him their Lord. If they had a Lord, it should be me. I'm the one that saved them during the war, not that scrawny little emo kid."

"You don't even know them!" I exclaimed.

"They know Malfoy" Harry continued, ignoring me. "That should make them Death Eater. Touching ghosts has to be a form of black magic. Go to the Library and do some research Mione"

"You know Malfoy Harry, and that doesn't make you a Death Eater. And who do you think you are, ordering me around? I'm not your little dog! You don't even known the exchange students! How can you be like this!" I exclaimed.

I ran out of the Great Hall and went to the dorm rooms. When I got there, there was a third staircase with
exchange students written on it. How did Dumbledore know that they would all get sorted in the Griffindor house? I knocked on the door and Annabeth opened it for me.

"Why are you crying?" She asked.

I realised that I had tears streaming off my cheeks. I quickly wiped them off and mumbled that it was nothing. She looked worried but said nothing and walked out of the doorway to let me in. I tried to stepped in the room but a force field projected me to the other side of the room. It hurted. A lot. Annabeth ran over to me and said:

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know it would work on you."

She helped me up and took me to the door again. She stopped there and said:

"I, Annabeth Chase, authorise Hermione Granger to come into our dorm room."

She walked in and I followed her inside, this time with no force field throwing me to the other side of the room. When I entered, I saw a room that looked like our common room but in a smaller version. There, there were the rest of the exchange students, smiling at me. Exept Nico, who was not scowling, but not smiling.  At least he was not glaring at me. I shivered at the thought.

"Sooooooooo" said Percy "Annabeth had something to tell you."

"Hi Hermione!" She said "Hmmmm. Do you have any questions you want to ask us?"

If they wanted me to ask them questions, why do it now and not during the train ride.

"Where do you come from? How do you speak greek? How can you touch ghosts? Who was that ghost you hugged? Why are ghosts scared of Nico? Why..."

"Woooo calm down" said Percy, holding his hands up. "One question at the time please."

I thought for a moment and asked:

"How can you touch ghosts?"

"We'll get to that later" replied Hazel.

"Ok then. Why did you cry when you saw that ghost girl?"

"She was Nico's sister. She died protecting us." Said Percy "It might be unbelivable but before she died, Nico was chatty, annoying, energetic, mythomagic-loving and tan."

"I was NOT annoying." Interjected Nico.

"How did she die?" I asked and clapped my hand on my mouth when I realised how stupid my question was.

The Americans turned to Annabeth and Percy who looked like their leaders. Percy and Annabeth seemed to have a silent conversation until Percy shrugged and leaned into his armchair. Annabeth looked at everyone and nodded. What the hell was happening? She turned to me and asked:

"Have you ever heard about greek gods?"

Hi fellow potterheads and jacksonheads/demigods/whateveryoucallapercyjacksonfan. This chapter is shorter than the others BUT I have an explanation. I totally forgot that today is Sunday and I didn't have a lot of time to write and since I didn't write it during the week, well, I didn't have time to think about what would happen next. Plus I haven't done most of my homework and I have to get back to school in a week. T.T Please forgive me. Oh and I wrote this on my phone so there may or may not be some spelling mistakes or words that should not be here because of autocorrect. Soooooooooo Bye!

PS-On a totally unrelated topic, I made pancakes! Yay!

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