Chapter 16

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Percy's PoV

"FINALLY!!!!!!" I yelled as I ran out of the greenhouse " I'M FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!"

Annabeth shook her head and chuckled.

"I don't understand how you can hate it so much. We are learning magic for the gods' sake!"

"Uh sorry but I don't exactly enjoy grabbing crying earthbabies who try to bite my hand off."

"But they were soooooooo cute!" Said Will.

Yeah right. Cute.

"Nuh-huh. No way are those Gaea babies cute."

"You're just dramatizing everything." Said Annabeth.

I looked at the rest of the demigods for support and they were all shaking their heads.

"I gotta agree with Perce " said Jason "Definitely evil Gaea babies"

I high-fived him.

"Why can't I skip Herbology like Nico?" Asked Hazel "I'm actually considering going to ask Persephone to curse me."

"But she won't because she likes you" said Frank.

"Anyways we have free period. Where do you want to go?" Asked Piper

"THE LAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKEEEEE!!!!!!" I yelled and I started running there.

I was barely aware of Annabeth yelling at me to come back while chasing me and Will running to get Nico. They would make a cute couple. OH MY GODS SOLANGELO IS MY NEW OTP!!!!!!!! Where did that come from? I don't even spend time with the Aphrodite cabin. I arrived to the lake and jumped in, Annabeth close behind. She jumped in behind me and I create an air bubble. We kissed. It was the second best underwater kids I ever had, after the one we shared after the war. I willed the bubble to go down since I could hear a squid calling for me. The squid was really cool. He made good jokes. We came out and found the rest of the demigods having a picnic. We joined them and chatted. We purposefully pushed Nico and Will together so they could sit close to each other. We could all see the blush on their cheeks. Only, they were too oblivious and thought it was because of the heat. Urgh, stupid, oblivious, cute, soon-to be couple.

"What do we have next?" I asked Annabeth

"Charms" she replied, without missing a beat.

"Do you know our whole timetable by heart?" I asked


"YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS! I DON'T HAVE TO KEEP THIS PIECE OF JUNK ANYMOOOOOOOOOORE!" I yelled, looking for a trash can. Unfortunately ,there were none. (It's funny how there are no trash cans in Hogwarts) "Guess I'll have to keep this after all" I mumbled.

Annabeth chuckled and whacked me behind the head.

"Such a seaweed brain" she said.

I crossed my arms and started to pout.

We walked to charms.

"You look cute when you pout." Annabeth said

I stopped pouting and put my arm around her shoulders. I kissed her strawberry blond hair as we took a seat in front of the classroom. A tiny man came in and stood on a stack of books in his chair.

"Hello class" he said in a squeaky voice "As you all know, you all have to study hard to pass your SPEW tests."

He continued ranting about that test for another half an hour.

"Now that that's settled, we are going to start learning a new spell. Repeat after me: Aguamenti."

We lifted out wands and flicked them, saying "Aguamenti". A jet of water came out of the wands of every demigods who got blessed by Hecate. My jet was the biggest and it hit Henry Pooper strait in the face.


I stifled a laughter as I hid behind Annabeth.

"YOU. YOU UNGRATEFUL PIECE OF SCUM." He shouted and pointed his wand at me "AGUAMENTIII!!!!"

Nothing came out of his wand. The whole class was laughing.

"It's AH-gwah-MEN-ti, not AguamentEEE Harry" said Hermione as she high-fived Annabeth.

"Look Annabeth, our little Mione is starting to get sassy." I said, wiping a game year from our eyes.

We all laughed. The rest of the class passed like this. Everyone trying to stifle their laughter and Pooper and Weasel fuming in the corner.

"I'm hungry." I said as I walked to the Great Hall for lunch.

"Same here." Said Leo.

"Ditto" Said Frank.

"Yup" Said Jason.

"Mmm hmmm" Said Will.

Nico just continued walking, silently. When we arrived at the Griffindor table, we made Will and Nico sit in front of each other. We wanted them to talk so having them face each other was a very good idea. For me anyways. We, meaning all the demigods except Will and Nico, agreed to the mission "make the Solangelo ship sail" during the sleepover. We call it (dun dun dun) Mission Solangelo. The two boys were blushing. It was so obvious that it was incredible how they didn't notice it.

"Neeks" Said Will, "You have to eat some fruit. It's not healthy to not eat any fruit."

"But I don't want to!" Complained Nico.

"Doctor's orders"

"Fine." Said Nico, pouting, "Pass me the apple."

Will threw the apple at Nico. Aaaawwwwwwwww.

"Why the apple though?" Asked Will.

"An Apple a day keeps the doctor away." Was his reply.

Will started pouting. Muggle studies were really boring. It was just a teacher talking about the use of a rubber duck. After an hour of staring and poking at a rubber duck, we finally got dismissed.

"We have divination next" Said Frank, "I hope we won't get a prophecy or anything like that."

"Nah, that lady's a fraud. She's only ever gotten one right prophecy. All her other predictions were and still are wrong." Said Draco.

"And that's why I ditched it said Hermione, "I'm going to the library. Bye guys!" And she walked toward the library.

We went into a room that smelled like the Aphrodite Cabin plus the Oracle smoke all mushed up together but worse. The trapdoor opened and a lady with bushy hair, big glasses and an impressive amount of jewelry came in. I looked into her eyes and see something that I thought I would never see again. Her eyes were glazed, looking in the distance. I've already seen these eyes somewhere. They were the same eyes as May Castellan's.

 If you forgot who May she is, she's Luke's mother. Luke will not appear in the story. He's dead. That's all. Goodbye. :)
PS-There are pretty cherry blossoms near my house. The background is ugly though. :( Hehe the photo is horizontal.

 :( Hehe the photo is horizontal

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