Chapter 14

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Annabeth's PoV
"There are at least 160 plane incidents a year." said Thalia "And that is not all Father can do, he can end your life with just a thought"

"Everyone can do that" Percy replied "And there are at least 900 sea-related fatalities a year. Plus my Father can created tsunamis and hurricanes that can wipe out cities"

"Mine can electrocute the whole city and create storms"

"During WWII, your fathers had to team up to beat my father. And they even called a truce. My father can beat yours on a one on one fight any day using his powers." Said Nico

"JUST SHUT UP" I yelled and they shut up. 

Finally some peace and quiet. We walked into the Great Hall. It had a medieval style. Gothic, by the looks of the arched shape of the windows and the walls. It is very common to see this style of architecture in cathedrals. The pointed turrets and the stone walls also point to this style of architecture. This castle was built in 990 during the early middle ages, according to Hogwarts a History. At that period, castles were mostly meant to protect the people around it so they were more fortified. Gothic architecture only started in mid-12th century. Either these wizards renovate this castle often or they invented the Gothic architectural style. Maybe some mortals caught a glimpse of the castle and started building cathedrals like this. (If you are actually an expert in architecture and you can see that I don't know what I am writing about, please overlook the fact that I got something wrong) My thoughts were interrupted when Percy pulled me some seats neat Hermione. I'm really happy to have a little sister, maybe she, unlike some other people *cough* Percy *cough*, would appreciate some talk about the architecture of this castle. Unfortunately, when we got there, I saw that there was Henry Pooper and Roland Weasel. Stupid boys, it's because of males like these that I considered joining the hunt. Fortunately I didn't or I would never be with Percy. Hermione had an angry look on her face and the two boys were whispering about something while looking at us.

"You know, if you want to say anything about us, you can say it to our face" Said Thalia with an annoyed tone to her voice "Or are you too much of a coward to face us?"

"We have something to say Death Eater" Said Pooper.

"Who would want to eat Death?" Asked Nico "I don't think he would want to be eaten anyway. Should I call him to ask?"

I started to stop him but he didn't see me,


Oh my gods. We are in soooooo much trouble. A puff of smoke came out of nowhere and the god of death was in front of us. He looked seriously pissed. There were various shouts and yells like


"DEATH EATER!!!!!!!!!!"

"DARK MAGIC!!!!!!"

And all that. I was more scared about what was going to happen to us than what kind of magic he used.

"How....Wha...." Piper tried to formulate a comprehensible question.

"How did you get a god to come at your request?" Asked Jason

"Oh well" said Nico with a smork on his face "We had this bet about if Frazel will become a thing and he lost it. So now he has to come when I ask him to. Honestly I don't understand how we even had this bet. It was sooooo obvious that Hazel and Frank were going to get together."

"So you approve of me?" Asked Frank

"Don't push your luck Zhang."

Poor Hazel looked between scared, embarrassed and confused.

"So why did you ask me here?" Asked Death

"Well" Said Percy "We were wondering if people really ate you."

"Whaaaaaa?" Thanatos looked confused.

"What is going on here?" Asked Minnie "What... are you doing here lord Thanatos?" She bowed a little.

"I don't know, Nico summoned me."

"Oh hi Than" Bianca's ghost piped up.

The other ghosts started to bow and ask for mercy. Nico and Death looked really annoyed. The Hall was very noisy between the unhappy shouts of the students and the ghosts begging for mercy.

"JUST SHUT UP" Shouted Piper, lacing a lot of charmspeak in her word. Gods, it's the third time we had to tell people to shut up already. 

"So... Why am I here again?" Asked Thanatos

"Well, these wizards were saying that other wizards  ate you and we wanted to know if it was true" Said Nico pointing an accusing finger at the stupid boys.

"What?" Asked Thanatos confused

"They said we were Death Eaters and we don't eat death but since they say that there are Death Eaters we wanted to know if these people actually exist. Is it cannibalism if people eat a god?" Asked Percy

"I... don't... No one eats me" Thanatos replied slowly.

"Then why does he say that there are eaters of death?" Asked Leo, pointing towards Harry.

"WHO DARES SAY THAT I CAN BE EATEN!!!!!??????" bellowed Thanatos.

He glared at Harry with hatred, making the latter tremble. Suddenly, Thanatos stiffened.

"You have an object that is mine."

"What are you talking about?" Asked the stupid Griffindor

Thanatos reached out his hand and grabbed a cloak.

"This is a piece of my cloak."

"No it isn't! It's from my father!" screamed the boy. He sounded a bit like Octavian.

"You are a descendant of Peverell?" Asked the death god

"I... Yes... What does it have to do with this cloak!" 

"Hmmm" Thanatos examined the cloak

"Are they the stupid brothers who stole your stuff that you keep complaining about?" Asked Nico.

"Yup" Thanatos turned to Harry "Do you know how your father got this?"

"It came from my ancestor. D-Death gave it to him"

"Rectification, he stole it from Death. Which is me. Which means that you have a stolen property and I want this back."

"YOU CANNOT! DUMBLEDORE WON'T ALLOW IT!" Screamed Octavian the second.

"I am sure that you would let me take back what is rightfully mine, Albus" Said Death, turning to the son of Hecate

"Yes, my lord" Said Dumbledore, bowing a little.

"You know you also have that stick the Peverell took from me right? Anyways, you can keep it but you will have to give the stone to Nico. His father gave me so much paperwork because of it and I'm really pissed of about that. And next time, if you see anything that help mortals cheat death, you will have to report to boss."

"Yes lord Thanatos" Said Dumbledore.

"Now that that's settled, I will go back to work. Oh and by the way, the ghost's paperwork is on you Neeks"


Nico tried to argue with the god of Death but he was already gone.

"So what's a Death Eater?" Asked Percy.

Hiya dear readers! That image is from the graphic novel. I like to imagine scenarios where Nico asks Thanatos if people actually eat him so I was like "why not?". Hehe, it's kinda funny. Anyways, I finished this so... I have to finish my homework T.T BYE! 

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