Chapter 13

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Hazel's PoV

During the sleepover, we did some catching up and played some games. Truth or dare was really funny, especially when Leo was dared to sing "Let it go" in the fire version. Luckily, our room was fireproof so nothing got burnt. Piper wasn't so lucky though, she was just next to Leo when he burst into flames and she would of gotten burnt if not for Percy and his water powers. Needless to say, Leo had to hide from a very angry Piper for the rest of the night. One thing was bothering me, how were we going to do magic since we are demigods? I can, since Hecate blessed me and I can control the mist, but what about the others? Well, I hope she thought about that. We went to sleep around 10 PM. We would've stayed up longer if Hermione and Annabeth hadn't forced us into our rooms pretexting that we would have a long day tomorrow since it was the first day of classes. Well, at least none of us will fall asleep in class... hopefully. To be honest, I'm a bit nervous. My last experience with school has been... not very pleasant. On a happier note, our room was fantastic. It was a mix between Frank and I, with animal pictures and gems (who are fortunately not cursed) hanged on the wall. I kissed Frank goodnight and we went to sleep.

The dream

I was in a dark room. No, not a room, a cave. I looked around and recognise Hecate's cave. The rest of the demigods attending Hogwarts were here too, so Hecate must be telling us something. Suddenly, the goddess with three faces appeared out of a puff of smoke. Dramatic. 

"Heroes, you might be wondering why I brought you here." she paused dramatically. 

After a long and awkward silence, she spoke up.

"You are supposed to ask me why I brought you here." She said it as thought it was obvious.

"Ok.... so why have you brought us here?" I asked

"While you were having your little trip in Diagon Alley, I started looking more into what made me feel uncomfortable and what was wrong and I found it out!" 

We leaned in, wanting to hear what caused us so much trouble so we could fix the problem and go home.

"I discovered that the problem was an evil wizard. He cheated death and he and his followers killed thousands of people. His name is Tom Riddle but is more known through the name of Voldemort."

"Seriously?" Asked Percy "How can you not know that? Chiron told us he was defeated before we even came here! Anyways, at least we can go home!" 

He was clearly annoyed. Hecate blinked a few times then realization dawned on her face.

"Ooohhhhh" She said "Well, one problem is sorted. But when your parents heard about you coming to Hogwarts, they said it was a good idea and they told me to tell you that you have to stay a year here. Who do they think I am? Hermes? I am much better than some messenger! Anyways, you will have to stay in Hogwarts until the end of the year. I mean come on! Me? Deliver messages?" 

She started grumbling about how she had better to do than deliver some petty messaged. Meanwhile, I was still processing the fact that we had to stay in this school. I don't even like school. It looked like I was not the only one. Everyone except Annabeth was whining about how bad school was. Even she looked unhappy. Well, she planned going to New Rome with Percy so it's understandable. But seriously? School? Do the gods want to torture us? I thought we only had to be here for one or two weeks to complete the quest. Urg whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?

"It has also come to my notice that you don't have any magic or any knowledge about the spells. I will bless you with my magic and the knowledge of magic. You are also immune to wizard spells, since your godly blood is powerful. Even the three unforgivables cannot hurt you. Potions won't work on you either. Now let's see..." 

She raised her staff and a calming feeling went through me. Then I felt power, an unrecognizable power coursing coursing through my whole body. It felt good. 

"Oh and Annabeth, if you're wondering how you got wands, it's because even though you don't have wizard magic in your veins, you still have godly magic in your blood. That was eneough for the wand to choose you. Now, my heroes, I will be going, have a good first day at Hogwarts! Oh and before I forget, Professors McGonagall and Dumbledore are the only one who know of your parentage. Oh and..." She stopped and giggled " Well, you'll see. Nico, the ghosts aren't under my protection so you can do whatever you want with them. I hope I haven't forgotten anything. Farewell my heroes!"

She disappeared in a puff of smoke. But we were still here.

"Uhhhhh aren't we supposed to wake up or..." Leo started but was stopped when we all woke up from our dream.

"Well, that was interesting." Said Frank. 

We looked around. Hermione, Draco, Luna and Neville went back to their dorms due to the lack of beds. We got ready and walked out. Percy and Thalia were arguing about something anf Json joined. 

"Puh-lease! EVERYONE knows that Poseidon is the best!" Said Percy

"Oh and is he the king of the gods?" Asked Thalia

"Nope because he has better to do than bicker with other gods." Percy retorted

"Guys" Said Nico "We all know that Hades is the best"

"But he's so creepy" Whined Percy

"Does Zeus or Poseidon let you stay in their domain?" Asked Nico

"No..."Said Jason

"See!" I said, joining the argument

"But who wants to be in a place full of dead?" Asks Thalia

"Uhhhhhh...." Said Nico

We continued squabbling while we walked towards the Great Hall until Annabeth stopped us. Well, it didn't help because we started arguing about who's dad was more powerful. We arrived in the Great Hall. I took a great breath. School. Here I come.

Hi guys! I am so sorry for not updating yesterday. I... have no excuse. So I updated today! I should be doing homework though. Soooooooooooooo... Bye!

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