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Annabeth's PoV

Christmas break past quickly with all the moving and notifying our mortal parents about our... situation. I visited Magnus from time to time in Boston and went to Brooklyn to have a cup of coffee with Sadie. Needless to say, we were back at Hogwarts in no time. The rest of the year passed smoothly with the so-called golden duo trying to prove that we were Thanatos Eaters (with no success). We passed our OWLS Os and Es  (even Percy). The last day of school was extremely sad since we had to say goodbye to all our friends but we promised to stay in touch.

Now, even after two millennium, we still remember the wonderful time we spent at Hogwarts. Our friend group never split apart and we always met at least once a week at a cafe. Percy and I had our kids, Zoë, Charlie, Luke and  Selena. Jiper had Silena, Frazel had Emily and Marie, Caleo had Esperanza and Solangelo had Bianca (Do not ask me how they got her). Thalia and Reyna were enjoying the hunt and recruited a lot more girls (including Ginny) since there were no more wars. Everything was doing great and I hoped that it will be this way forever.

This story is finished!!!!!!!!!! I know the ending is horrible but I have no inspiration. I didn't want to push Harry and Ron off a cliff so I just let them be brats. I hope you all enjoyed the beginning of the story. I may edit the end if I think of something but I doubt I will. Thank you all for reading my story! I hope you have a great day/ night/ afternoon!!!!!

Bye! Salut! Adios!

-Cleo ☺

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