Chapter 1

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Hi everyone! This is my first fan fiction so please be easygoing. :) I still can't find a cover image.  I actually wrote the first part one time but I deleted it by accident so know I feel like crap. :( Anyways, I won't count the ToA but Leo's back with Calypso and Reyna joined the Hunters of Artemis. Will and Nico are not dating..yet. *mischievous smile* . Dumbledore and Snape are not dead. I relived them with some underworld magic named the author's power. That's all. ☺ Oh I forgot, the image is not mine, nor will the other ones be because I can't draw. Now let's start.

PoV Percy

The giant's war ended a month ago. After living through two major prophecies, I thought the gods would let us rest and leave us alone for some time, but I was wrong. I was relaxing with my Wise Girl when I heard the sound of hooves hitting the floor.

"PERCY! ANNABETH! Chiron wants you at the Big House now!" Yelled Grover.

"Do you think something happened?" I asked Annabeth.

"I don't know. Let's go, Chiron hasn't summoned us at the Big House since the war. It should be pretty serious." She answered.

We were worried. We didn't want to relive what we experienced during the last year. We didn't want to go back to Tartarus. I shuddered. Those memories still haunted our nightmares, we couldn't spend one night without yelling until someone wakes us up. Annabeth should have noticed my grim expression because she asked if I was okay. I said yes. There was no need to remind her of what we lived through in the pit.

We walked into the Big House and took place around the ping pong table.Everyone else was already here. Frank was on Hazel's head in cat form as she was trying to get him off. Jason was braiding Piper's choppy hair. Leo was on fire and Calypso was trying to stay unburnt. Who gave him skittles? Clarisse was playing with a knife (How does she do to stay unhurt?). Reyna and Thalia were in a deep conversation about wolves. Nico and Will were stealing glances at each other. They were obviously head over heels with each other but they did not know. They were so scared of being rejected that none of them asked the other out. It was such a pity, they would be so cute together. I smiled.

"Why are you smiling?" Asked Annabeth.

"Look at those two." I whisperes showing her the two boys.

"Oh yeah, they would be so cute together. They are a bit like us before we started dating don't you think?" She whispered back

I nodded. Then, suddenly, I realised something.

"Wait. That's Nico type?"

"Hey Seaweed Brain. You can't expect to be everyone's type."

"But I am EVERYBODY'S TYPE." I cried out.

"Yeah, no way bro'" Said Jason smirking. "If I had to chose between dating you and dating me, I would date me without even considering the choice." 

"But you're with me." Said Piper with a smile.

"That is so not true bro'. Take it back." I said.

"Uhhhhh. No." 

I shot him a death glare. And then we couldn't bear it anymore. We all broke out laughing.

Then, the door opened and came in Hecate, the goddess of magic with Chiron and Rachel behind her. We all bowed. 

"Rise my heroes" Said the goddess "I have a quest for you."

"WHAT?" I exclaimed. There was no way I was going on another quest so soon. "We just came out of a war. Why do we have to go so soon? Can't we have some rest?" I asked 

The goddess looked at me sternly. "No. This quest won't be hard. You will have to go to a school and get allied with the students there. Chiron will explain everything to you. I will meet you at Thalia's Tree to transport you to my descendant's tavern in two hours." And she disappeared in a puff of smoke. We all turned to Chiron. 

"Children, to understand everything, you will have to know that Hecate has created a pet world a few millennia ago. She blessed some mortals with the power of magic. These people called themselves witches and wizards and could channel their powers through a magic wand."

"Wait, you said witches and wizards? Like, bibidi bobidi boo?" Asked Leo.

"Yes. But they have other spells. You will haves to go to a school named Hogwarts..."

"HAHAHAHAHAHA What kind of name is Hogwarts?" Asked Leo.

"School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a school in the UK" continued Chiron, ignoring Leo. "A few years ago, an evil wizard tried to take over the mortal world. He defied death one time but a boy named Harry Potter killed him last year. The wizards called him Voldemort but his real name was Tom Riddle."

"Oh that guy. My dad was grumpy because he gave him tons of paperwork. I think he's in the fields of punishments now." Said Nico.

"Do you keep track of every dead guy?" I asked the son of Hades.

"No but that one was extremely annoying. You should have seen Hades throwing fits just because of him. It was honestly terrifying." He replied

"Anyways, Hecate wants you to go to this school because she has a bad feeling. You will all have a book about it in your cabins with a list of what you will have to buy at Diagon Alley, a place where you can buy your school accessories. Hecate will take you to a tavern where you will spend the night. Here are the train tickets that will take you to Hogwarts. When you arrive at Diagon Alley, Albus Dumbledore, son of Hecate and headmaster of Hogwarts, will take you to the shops to buy your things. Now, go pack. Meet in two hours at Thalia's tree."

With this, we parted. I went to my cabin to pack and I saw he book. I went to the lake. Anyways, Annie would have read the book, I'll just have to ask her questions. Two hours later, we all met at Thalia's tree. Thalia was looking at it with an indecipherable look on her face. Ooooohhhh, I used a smart word. Wow, I am getting smart, I bet it's because of all the time I spend with Annie. Oops, stupid ADHD,  I can never concentrate. I went to stand beside Annabeth when Hecate appeared. 

"Let's go my heroes" She said with a smile and we all disappeared. We appeared in front of a bar called the Leaky Cauldron.

"What is these wizard's problem with name?" Leo sniggered. Hecate shot him a death glare and he shut up. Ahhhh silence. We entered the shop and Hecate disappeared. 

Annabeth PoV

We entered the bar and a man came to meet us. 

"Hullo, I am Tom, legacy of Hecate. I will show you your rooms and then I will show you the way to  Diagon Alley." He said. (Let's pretend the Leaking Cauldron is also an inn.) We followed him to our rooms. We had seven rooms, Clarisse, Nico and Will had one room each. Thalia roomed with Reyna, I roomed with Percy, Hazel with Franck, Jason with Piper and Leo with Calypso. Tom took us to a wall, tapped on a few bricks and the wall opened. There, an old man was standing.

Soooo. That's all for today! I am soooo excited! I'm still not sure when I will update the chapters. I'm so happy!!!!! :) Just so you don't judge my story too quickly, this is my first story so it's normal if you find it horrible. I'm not sure if I said that. That's all. Byyyyyeeee ;) 

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