Chapter 9

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Hi guys, I was looking for an image for this chapter and I found this super sad one. 

It's just so sad

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It's just so sad. Why did Bianca have to die??????? *Me crying in my head*

Nico's PoV

Why did I have to come here? It's so annoying. One minute I was relaxing in my cabin, the next I'm whisked into this weird school with weird people with weird hats and weird dresses. Why? Plus, that hat was so rude. He skimmed through our memories without asking for permission. I'm so pissed of. The worst was when he showed Tartarus and the time when Percy came back without Bianca. Tears filled my eyes again. Stop. I'm the Ghost King. I don't cry like a baby. I don't need anyone. I looked up. Everyone was silent. We didn't want to speak. Dumbledore finished his speech and food appeared in front of us. I wondered if I should sacrifice for the gods but then Will told me that we didn't need to sacrifice for the gods because of how much we helped them in the last war. Finally, one good decision made by them (Is that sayable?). I started putting some food in my plate. I'm not hungry, but I want to make Will happy. He is so cute when he smiles.! Suddenly, the air changed and I felt death around me. Why would Thanatos come? I snapped my head up and I instantly started fuming. Ghosts. Unregistered ghosts, floating carelessly in the Hall. One ghost with a moustache came to our table. Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, escapee from the Underworld for more than five centuries. Reason of a big pile of paperwork on my desk back in the Underworld. Hades always gives me the paperwork that involve ghosts. He says that's because I'm the ghost king, but I know he just doesn't want to do it. 

"Nearly Headless Nick!" shouted Harry, waving at him, "Over here!"

Oh this was going to be fun. The ghost floated toward us and greeted the trio. I stayed there, with an evil smile on my face, waiting for him to see me. 

"Hello Harry, Hermione, Ron" He said "How are you? Oh and newcomers! Who may yo..."

He stopped mid sentence and paled. Yeah, ghosts can get paler than they already are, it's really weird. 

"M-m-m-my L-lord." He bowed, visibly scared "P-please. Don't s-se-send m-me back"

He was shaking. Now, all the ghosts were bowing at me and begging me for forgiveness. Call me evil but I kind of liked it. 

"Are you registered?" I asked smoothly. 

They all looked down and shook their head.

"You know the rules" I said "You have to be registered to roam freely. And no contact with the living."

"B-but m-my k-king" stuttered the Bloody Baron "The lady let us come.."

"Does your lady decide this?" I asked, patience slowly getting away from me. They looked at me. No one spoke. "She doesn't. My father and I do. And you have to get registered. Is anyone registered here?" 

"Y-yes. B-but sh-she isn't here yet. My king. W-we b-beg you. Just let us go. We d-don't m-mean any harm." Said a very reckless and apparently very stupid ghost.

"Let you go" I growled "You want me to let you go even though you are paperwork and cause chaos in my father's kingdom?"

The ghost shut up. Good, he was getting on my nerves. Then, I heard a voice that I thought I would never hear again.

"Nico, is that how I taught you to speak to strangers?"

I turned around and saw my sister, Bianca. 

Author's note: I know, I'm annoying.

Bianca was here. She couldn't be, she was dead. Then, I saw that she was a bit transparent. So she was that registered ghost. I felt tears of joy roll down my cheeks as I smiled. A real smile. One that I haven't made since I was ten, since she died. I ran into her arms and started crying. I didn't care if everyone was staring at us. I have my sister back. She ruffled my hair and placed a kiss on my forehead. The other demigods came to us.

"What are you staring at?" Asked Clarisse "Stop. Or I will make you." 

Everyone turned to their dinner unhappily, but they were too scared of Clarisse to do otherwise.

"Mi sei mancato tanto (I missed you so much. in Italian)" I whispered.

"Anche io (Me too. Sorry if the translation isn't correct)" She whispered back.

I raised my eyes and saw that she was crying.

"Hey" Said Percy awkwardly. "I'm so sorry" He said staring at the ground.

"Me too" Said Annabeth. "If I had been more careful, you wouldn't be..."

"It's not your fault" Said Bianca. "None of this is yours. It's mine, it's the fates, but not yours." She opened her arms for them. And solidified herself for them. They walked in and hugged her. I could see tears in Percy eyes. I smiled widely and giggled. Everyone looked at me weirdly.

"Nico di Angelo, giggling" Said Leo in disbelief.

"Oh shut up Leo" Said Calypso as she looked at us with tears in her eyes as well. I looked at the rest of them and they were all like her. Even Clarisse was having a hard time keeping a strait face.Her face was so funny that I started to laugh. I forgot everything around me. There was only me and my family and Bianca. There were no wizards, no weird quests, no stupid magic goddesses, no stupid unregistered ghosts. Then, someone had to ruin my mood.

"What the bloody hell?!" Yelled Harry. We turned to him and glared. He looked frightened for a second but regained his composure. "How can you touch ghosts? And, and..."

"Shut up!" Yelled Piper, burning with rage "Can you not see that Nico is happy? Why do you have to ruin everything?" 

"Come with me" Said Bianca calmly "I'll guide you to your dorm" 

She floated out of the Hall as we followed her. I have my sister back.

I just so wanted to have the di Angelo siblings back together. So let's just pretend that Bianca did not choose to get reborn and went to Hogwarts. I know I updated yesterday, but I wanted to update this chapter today. So... I updated this chapter today. Bye!

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